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Friday, November 23, 2007

How do we fix dunbar village?

Bloggers Aaron & Alaine from the blog A Political Season have some interesting ideas about how to address the problems of Dunbar Village. Check out there thoughts below, and please check out their blog at A Political Season.

How Do We Fix Dunbar Village? The East Lake Experience Offers Some Guidance

by: Aaron & Alaine
A Political Season

Gina Smith at WAOD recently wrote about having an epiphany as a counter protester at a recent Barack fundraiser. She was peppered with questions by the attendees and after answering them, realized that wanting other people to be as outraged as she is (and as I am) by the Dunbar Village atrocity isn't a meaningful end in itself and that her role as an informer had been carried out. What people do with that information is the bigger issue.

I found her self reflection very refreshing and it turns the conversation to what the heck are we going to do about Dunbar Village. Because fundamentally, the horror of Dunbar is that people are living in conditions where that can happen again and again. Doing something about Dunbar means eradicating the conditions in which such a thing could so readily happen.

A part of what has to happen in Dunbar Village is that Dunbar residents, supported by their local community, have to become organized to address their conditions. They will need help to do that, it will not be something they can do on their own. The issue is how do we help them organize to fix what is a very tough situation. My contribution to that is to say that it CAN be done and that it HAS been done in other places. The East Lake Projects experience in Atlanta is one to look at for some inspiration. Read More HERE

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