Toxic, carcinogenic formaldehyde killing our black babies.
National Centers for Disease Control to test trailers and conduct long-term health monitoring of residents.

Rep. Cummings of Maryland blast FEMA
FEMA was slow to test toxicity of trailersLawyers for the Federal Emergency Management Agency discouraged officials from pursuing reports of dangerous levels of formaldehyde in trailers housing thousands of hurricane victims, according to documents subpoenaed by House members and released Thursday.

While many African American bloggers have been following the Federal effort to kill black people in New Orleans. Yesterday we learned that our hunch was right. The Secretary of HomeLand In-Security may have a gut feeling about terrorist, but now the American people should have a gut feeling about George Bush.
Yes, George Bush not only does not like black people, George Bush's FEMA is willingfully killing black people. And where is the Congressional Fox Caucus? Why is it that Henry Waxman, (god bless him) is making more noise, and bringing this issue up more than the Congressional Black Caucus or for that matter Obama?
As Reported in the Washington Post, "The Federal Emergency Management Agency since early 2006 has suppressed warnings from its own field workers about health problems experienced by hurricane victims living in government-provided trailers with levels of a toxic chemical 75 times the recommended maximum for U.S. workers, congressional lawmakers said yesterday.
A trail of e-mails obtained by investigators shows that the agency's lawyers rejected a proposal for systematic testing of the levels of potentially cancer-causing formaldehyde gas in the trailers, out of concern that the agency would be legally liable for any hazards or health problems. As many as 120,000 families displaced by hurricanes Katrina and Rita lived in the suspect trailers, and hundreds have complained of ill effects." More HERE
As Josh Dorner of the Sierra Club noted, Yesterday just wasn't your lucky day if you happened to be David Paulison, the Administrator of FEMA. He was called -- under oath -- before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee for an ol' fashioned tongue-lashing, Henry Waxman-style. Paulison was made to answer for the
toxic tin cans in which FEMA has housed thousands of victims of Hurricane Katrina and other disasters. Despite the brow-beating he took today, Paulison is still of course much luckier than the 120,000 residents of the Gulf Coast who actually still live in the toxic trailers -- suffering from severe respiratory and other health problems every day, even risking cancer due to long-term exposure to toxic, carcinogenic formaldehyde.