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Friday, September 4, 2009
Montgomery County College President Brian K. Johnson, YOUR FIRED!
In my 2nd hometown of Montgomery County, Maryland some crazy things are going on. As reported in the Washington Post, the black man who was the head of Montgomery College was removed as President. Brian K. Johnson was removed from office late Thursday night, as the board of trustees voted to place him on immediate administrative leave, with pay, and not to renew his contract. This is probably a good thing. Get this as reported by WaPo, Montgomery College faculty members Thursday evening approved a no-confidence resolution on President Brian K. Johnson, amid mounting concern that he has steered Maryland's largest community college off course during his two-year tenure.
Faculty leaders said they had little choice but to evaluate Johnson's activities after a spring meeting, when some professors pushed for an immediate no-confidence vote. They gathered information and delivered it to trustees in midsummer. Because of vacations and other scheduling conflicts, trustees could not meet to discuss the findings until last week, Lin said.
The group took no public action at that meeting.
Much of the faculty ire has been directed at Johnson's expenses, including thousands of dollars for airfare and fine dining at a time when the school had austere budgets and travel restrictions. Public records obtained by faculty members showed that Johnson charged $58,165 to his corporate credit card over 21 months.
Johnson said some of the expenses singled out as excessive, such as a $780 tab for a limousine during a trip to Boston, were legitimate and involved multiple college representatives. He said some other expenses might have been fraudulent charges by someone else, because his credit card had been "compromised."
Johnson accused the faculty of attempting to weaken his administration to gain advantage in contract negotiations. Faculty leaders rejected that assertion and said they had enjoyed amicable relations with management before Johnson's arrival. Ouch!
In addition to his problems at the college, Johnson has been plagued by persistent reports that he owes back child support. He appears on a list of "deadbeat parents" on the Web site of the Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff's Office, based on a bench warrant issued last year for $12,000 owed to a former spouse. More HERE
Get this, the Maryland Politics blog is reporting that this guy has a warrant for him in another state for not paying child support...
Ouch, seems that this guy is a off the chain...
Faculty leaders said they had little choice but to evaluate Johnson's activities after a spring meeting, when some professors pushed for an immediate no-confidence vote. They gathered information and delivered it to trustees in midsummer. Because of vacations and other scheduling conflicts, trustees could not meet to discuss the findings until last week, Lin said.
The group took no public action at that meeting.
Much of the faculty ire has been directed at Johnson's expenses, including thousands of dollars for airfare and fine dining at a time when the school had austere budgets and travel restrictions. Public records obtained by faculty members showed that Johnson charged $58,165 to his corporate credit card over 21 months.
Johnson said some of the expenses singled out as excessive, such as a $780 tab for a limousine during a trip to Boston, were legitimate and involved multiple college representatives. He said some other expenses might have been fraudulent charges by someone else, because his credit card had been "compromised."
Johnson accused the faculty of attempting to weaken his administration to gain advantage in contract negotiations. Faculty leaders rejected that assertion and said they had enjoyed amicable relations with management before Johnson's arrival. Ouch!
In addition to his problems at the college, Johnson has been plagued by persistent reports that he owes back child support. He appears on a list of "deadbeat parents" on the Web site of the Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff's Office, based on a bench warrant issued last year for $12,000 owed to a former spouse. More HERE
Get this, the Maryland Politics blog is reporting that this guy has a warrant for him in another state for not paying child support...
Ouch, seems that this guy is a off the chain...
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Black Lawyer and Political Activist Files Complaint Aganist ...
Black blogger Francis L. Holland is taking on the Milwaukee authorities to task for the violation of a black woman's rights. Yes, Francis L. Holland is at it again! He has set his attention on the case that Internet Bloggers and BlogTalkRadio host Queen Ifama, Black Achievement, Antoinette and Dale D (a new black blogger) blogged about, and I subsequently reported about on my blog at African American Political Pundit.
Get this, Atty. Blogger Francis L. Holland has offically filed complaints with Milwaukee authorities over what he calls "A Therapist/Client Sex Case."

It's the case of a state social worker who investigated a report of child abuse for the Bureau of Milwaukee Child Welfare later had sex with the child's emotionally troubled mother and impregnated her. He then hid the woman's pregnancy and the birth of their daughter from the bureau, even as the mother sought to retain custody of two other children, the Journal Sentinel has also reported on the case.

Ms. Pamela Matthews
Office of the Milwaukee Ombudsman for Child Welfare
1442 North Farwell Avenue, Suite #300
Milwaukee, WI 53202-2913
(414) 224-1337
Dear Ms. Matthews:
Please receive this letter as a formal complaint, and a formal request for an Ombudsman complaint on my behalf, regarding Milwaukee Bureau of Child Welfare social worker Peter J. Nelson's unlawful therapist/client sexual contact with Theola Nealy, and the Bureau's decision to give Mr. Nelson custody of Ms. Nealy's daughter, fathered through in the unlawful sexual contact of Mr. Nelson with a Child Welfare client. Thank you for calling me this afternoon regarding my concerns about Peter J. Nelson.
Contrary to your representation in our telephone call of today, your Milwaukee Ombudsman for Child Welfare web page entitled, "Who Can File A Compaint", states that among those who may file a complaint are "The Ombudsman (who can file a complaint for anyone not listed above)."
In my capacity as "anyone not listed above", I hereby file this complaint and request that the Ombudsman file, receive and pursue a complaint on my behalf, and on behalf of the Francis L. Holland Blog.
Today, I have filed a formal report of these facts to Milwaukee Bureau of Child WelfareWisconsin Department of Children and Families. Ms. Green confirmed that she and the Bureau are aware of the facts of this case as reported: that Peter J. Nelson, worked as a social worker for the Bureau, engaged in sexual intercourse with Theola Nealy, a client of the Bureau, leading to the birth of a third child to Theola Nealy. Ms. Green confirmed that Peter J. Nelson is now in custody of that child. In my child at risk report, I stated my belief that the child of Peter J. Nelson and Theola Nealy is at-risk at this time because the child is in the custody of a social worker who may have committed two or more sexual felonies under Wisconsin statutes.
Wisconsin Statutes 940.22(2), Entitled "Sexual Exploitation by Therapist, Duty to Report, provides that:
Read the full post from Francis L. Holland
Get this, Atty. Blogger Francis L. Holland has offically filed complaints with Milwaukee authorities over what he calls "A Therapist/Client Sex Case."

It's the case of a state social worker who investigated a report of child abuse for the Bureau of Milwaukee Child Welfare later had sex with the child's emotionally troubled mother and impregnated her. He then hid the woman's pregnancy and the birth of their daughter from the bureau, even as the mother sought to retain custody of two other children, the Journal Sentinel has also reported on the case.

The 56-year-old social worker, Peter J. Nelsen, was allowed to resign from the bureau April 15, according to bureau records.
Now Francis has taken it to another level. Here is what Francis L. Holland wrote, in his formal complaint to the Office of the Milwaukee Ombudsman for Child Welfare:
Ms. Pamela Matthews
Office of the Milwaukee Ombudsman for Child Welfare
1442 North Farwell Avenue, Suite #300
Milwaukee, WI 53202-2913
(414) 224-1337
Dear Ms. Matthews:
Please receive this letter as a formal complaint, and a formal request for an Ombudsman complaint on my behalf, regarding Milwaukee Bureau of Child Welfare social worker Peter J. Nelson's unlawful therapist/client sexual contact with Theola Nealy, and the Bureau's decision to give Mr. Nelson custody of Ms. Nealy's daughter, fathered through in the unlawful sexual contact of Mr. Nelson with a Child Welfare client. Thank you for calling me this afternoon regarding my concerns about Peter J. Nelson.
Contrary to your representation in our telephone call of today, your Milwaukee Ombudsman for Child Welfare web page entitled, "Who Can File A Compaint", states that among those who may file a complaint are "The Ombudsman (who can file a complaint for anyone not listed above)."
In my capacity as "anyone not listed above", I hereby file this complaint and request that the Ombudsman file, receive and pursue a complaint on my behalf, and on behalf of the Francis L. Holland Blog.
Today, I have filed a formal report of these facts to Milwaukee Bureau of Child WelfareWisconsin Department of Children and Families. Ms. Green confirmed that she and the Bureau are aware of the facts of this case as reported: that Peter J. Nelson, worked as a social worker for the Bureau, engaged in sexual intercourse with Theola Nealy, a client of the Bureau, leading to the birth of a third child to Theola Nealy. Ms. Green confirmed that Peter J. Nelson is now in custody of that child. In my child at risk report, I stated my belief that the child of Peter J. Nelson and Theola Nealy is at-risk at this time because the child is in the custody of a social worker who may have committed two or more sexual felonies under Wisconsin statutes.
Wisconsin Statutes 940.22(2), Entitled "Sexual Exploitation by Therapist, Duty to Report, provides that:
Read the full post from Francis L. Holland
African American Woman Pastor Found Dead In A "Crucifix Position"
African American Woman Pastor Found Dead and Left in a "Crucifix Position"
Hat Tip to Dale D., at HateCrimeWatch who is covering the case ofd a black woman preacher, Rev.Carol Daniels was found dead laying in the Crucifix Position at her church last Sunday afternoon in Oklahoma. Rev.Daniels who is 61 body was found by an elderly couple Who later notifed police. More HERE >>>
Hat Tip to Dale D., at HateCrimeWatch who is covering the case ofd a black woman preacher, Rev.Carol Daniels was found dead laying in the Crucifix Position at her church last Sunday afternoon in Oklahoma. Rev.Daniels who is 61 body was found by an elderly couple Who later notifed police. More HERE >>>
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Reverse Color Arousal In The Atlanta Mayors Race?

We'll it looks like the black folks in Atlanta are caught between a rock and a hard place. VOTE Black and get What? Vote WHITE and get What?
As reported by Richard Fausset at the LA Times in frank language, a memo published online urges black voters to unite behind one black candidate to defeat a white contender. It has raised hackles among residents who take pride in the city. This even got some ignorant angry White people pissed off. But who really cares abot some angry white folks?
Get this, as reported by Richard Fausset at the LA Times - The memo emerged early this week on an African American news website, then spread via e-mail, finally landing on the front page of the local paper. Bloggers like Peach Pundit, A Race Against Time and bloggers from the black conservative right have their own view on the issue and memo.
The message from the memo: Atlanta is a majority-black city whose 35-year string of black mayors "has represented the breakthrough for black political empowerment in the South." And therefore, the white candidate running for mayor this year must be defeated.
Reportedly disseminated by a local group called the Black Leadership Forum, it was the kind of idea guaranteed to raise hackles in Atlanta, a city that has worked hard to live up to native son Martin Luther King Jr.'s dictum about judging by character rather than skin color.
In the current mayor's race, a number of candidates are running to replace second-term Mayor Shirley Franklin. They include a handful of African American candidates, and one high-profile white hopeful, City Councilwoman Mary Norwood.
Observers of local politics believe that Norwood could emerge triumphant if black votes are spread among the various black candidates in November. In language that is remarkably frank, the memo urges black voters to rally around candidate Lisa Borders, the City Council president: "Time is of the essence because in order to defeat a Norwood (white) mayoral candidacy we have to get out now and work in a manner to defeat her without a runoff."
Seemingly overnight, a rather low-key election centered on everyday municipal concerns -- crime, jobs, taxes -- has prompted grander questions, from the definition of reverse racism to the legacy of the civil rights movement. Is it wrong, in the age of Obama, for black Atlantans to wish for a black mayor? And how comfortable should they feel ceding some of their famously hard-won political gains? More HERE
AAPP: Ponder this, Was the displacement of close to 100,000 black residents over the past few years out of Atlanta, and into the suburbs a conspiracy to take Atlanta back politically? Is this something new? Has this not happened in cities like Washington, DC that has a majority white city council and a black mayor who acts like he is whiter than white? So should black folks in Atlanta vote black? Is that not what we did in other cities, and got nothing back in return. Didn't we do that in the last Presidential race? Vote black? Is it not true that our president didn't name but two black to his cabinet, and won't appoint any cabinet members who graduate from state universities or comminity college, and you must be a Harvard grad to even qualify for an interview. What measurable amount of dollars have black folks received from the trillions of dollars spent in Federal Taxes on Stimulating the economy? Will voting black mean anything truly for black American voters? You tell me?
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