Well, maybe not all black folks, there are some folks, like Gov. Paterson who accepted the New York Post cartoon apology.There are even some folks like Michelle Malkin who would want blacks to apologize - More HERE
Let's place Gov. Paterson, Michelle Malkin, and Alan Keyes, into the same sinking boat.
Now the 'old-school" civil rights organization, the NAACP is getting involved. After making a weak statement regarding the NY Post.
February 18th, 2009
“NAACP continues to fight for a country where America’s promise can be realized for all and where racism Is just a tragic memory. We are saddened that the New York Post chose to create a symbol that is so divisive, insensitive and antithetical to that goal. The NY Post must do better.”
Benjamin Todd Jealous
President and CEO
Source Link: photo and statement
AAPP: Now the national NAACP has decided to step up the conversation.
CNN and other news outlets are reporting that leaders of the NAACP on Saturday called for the firing of the New York Post cartoonist whose drawing lampooning the federal stimulus bill has drawn charges that it's racist and encourages violence toward President Obama.

CNN reports: Speaking at the civil rights group's annual meeting in New York, NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous said that if Sean Delonas is not fired, the group will call for protests of the paper and Fox television affiliates, which are owned by Post parent company News Corp. "There is consensus that if the Post does not ... get rid of the journalists who are responsible for this bit of hate speech seeing the light of day, that we will move this from a local, regional issue to a very national issue," Jealous said. The group also called for the cartoonist's editor to be fired. More HERE
AAPP: I'm so glad that people in organizations like the Color of Change are around. You see, The Color of Change, didn't have to place the finger up in the wind to test and see which way the winds of change were blowing on this issue. You see, they took the lead, and decided to Tell The New York Post: This isn't funny. They asked people to join them in demanding that The Post apologize publicly and fire the editor who allowed this cartoon to go to print. They demanded accountability!
Maybe, just maybe, the national NAACP, will not wait the next time to test the wind, but get out there first, like they did so many years ago. Leaders lead...
Hopefully the NAACP will move to become more active in internet activism. It is said that they have over 400,000 email addresses of members. Maybe, at some point the NAACP, Lawyers Committee on Civil Rights, Color of Change, The Poor Peoples Campaign, CORE, SNCC, the Action Network, The Rainbow Coalition, the Afrospear and other civil rights/human rights activist groups can come together and lead by example.
That's my opinion ...