Now the reason why black folks (and other folks, usually poor whites and Latinos) will be killed by police taser is because of Death by Excited Delirium. Hat Tip Over Analyze It

Yes you heard me, as reported NPR : Death by Excited Delirium may just be the greatest new diagnosis or coverup. You see, excited delirium is a controversial diagnosis increasingly used by medical examiners to explain why people die (mostly black) are suddenly in police custody.
Police agencies and police training groups are warning police: "During the restraint process, the subject will often be grunting and making animal-like noises." More HERE
(CBS) You may not find the diagnosis "excited delirium" in a medical dictionary, but it’s popping up more and more around the country, especially when people die right after brawling with the police. More HERE
Get this, The PoliceOne website says, excited delirium (ED) episodes most likely occur between Thursday and Sunday, with Sunday the most common day, Lawrence has found. The hot months, May through September, are the most common time of year. Male subjects in their early 30s are most frequently afflicted, with subjects under 20 or over 50 least likely; female ED subjects are "extremely rare." Of illegal substances potentially involved, cocaine is most common (more than half the cases). Alcohol is common, too. More HERE
Sounds like the time black folks are out having a good time to me.
So, watch out black folks, police department accross america are training about excited delirium, and black folks are the target. Warn your babies, warn your children, black males are warned. Don't forget if you get zapped by 50,0000 or so volts in succession, never grunt or make animal-like noises you will be zapped, again, and again, and again, until you are dead.
Have a safe and un-tased holiday.