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Friday, December 7, 2007

Tasered to Death: Reason - Excited Delirium.

Now the reason why black folks (and other folks, usually poor whites and Latinos) will be killed by police taser is because of Death by Excited Delirium.
Hat Tip Over Analyze It

Yes you heard me, as reported NPR : Death by Excited Delirium may just be the greatest new diagnosis or coverup.
You see, excited delirium is a controversial diagnosis increasingly used by medical examiners to explain why people die (mostly black) are suddenly in police custody.

Police agencies and police training groups are warning police: "During the restraint process, the subject will often be grunting and making animal-like noises."

(CBS) You may not find the diagnosis "excited delirium" in a medical dictionary, but it’s popping up more and more around the country, especially when people die right after brawling with the police. More HERE

Get this,
The PoliceOne website says, excited delirium (ED) episodes most likely occur between Thursday and Sunday, with Sunday the most common day, Lawrence has found. The hot months, May through September, are the most common time of year. Male subjects in their early 30s are most frequently afflicted, with subjects under 20 or over 50 least likely; female ED subjects are "extremely rare." Of illegal substances potentially involved, cocaine is most common (more than half the cases). Alcohol is common, too. More HERE

Sounds like the time black folks are out having a good time to me.

So, watch out black folks, police department accross america are training about
excited delirium, and black folks are the target. Warn your babies, warn your children, black males are warned. Don't forget if you get zapped by 50,0000 or so volts in succession, never grunt or make animal-like noises you will be zapped, again, and again, and again, until you are dead.

Have a safe and un-tased holiday.

Don't forget to visit the blog Tasered While Black

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Fired for Tasing Pregnant Black Women

Thank You Electronic Village and a our new black blogger Msladydeborah

They are both reporting on the Police Department Firing of The Cop Who Tased Pregnant Valreca Redden

Al Sharpton's NAN Ohio chapter reports that the Trotwood Police Department fired Officer Michael Wilmer, the police officer who used a stun gun on Valreca Redden, a pregnant nubian. More HERE


The use of tasers on black folks is a growing problem, not only in Ohio but across America. The Blog Tasered While Black is a new blog following the brutality problem, as is Electronic Village and other black bloggers. Check out what is going on in Houston. As you can see Tasers are a growing menace to society.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Gay Black Men and AIDS

Can you explain this? Why is there a racial disparity in every thing that happens in America?

Now a report says: Gay blacks at highest AIDS risk

File this under Strange Bedfellows
Hat Tip Faye Anderson of Anderson@Large

Baltimore Sun African-American gay men are more than twice as likely to be infected with the AIDS virus than their white counterparts, but the reasons aren't abundantly clear, federal researchers said yesterday.

"Men who have sex with men account for almost half of all people estimated to be living with HIV in the United States, and African-Americans are the most heavily impacted," said Kevin Fenton, director of HIV prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. Read more HERE

black Americans 10 times more likely to get jail time than white counterparts

Report: Prison for blacks more likely

AAPP, check this out. not only are black folks getting set up with tons of herion, cocaine and other drug coming into our communities. We find that a new study finds that black Americans are up to 10 times more likely to get jail time for drug related offenses than their white counterparts.

The study, “The Vortex: The Concentrated Racial Impact of Drug Imprisonment and the Characteristics of Punitive Counties,” found this to be the case, even though blacks and whites were also found to be selling drugs at the same, or very similar rate.

"My belief is -- especially in drug cases -- if you allow drug crimes and you don't enforce drug laws, your neighborhood deteriorates," said Gary Hester, chief of staff for the Polk County Sheriff's Office.

The study, performed by the Justice Policy Institute, based in Washington, found that most all large counties in the United states had severe disparities when it came to the numbers of blacks compared to whites jailed for drug related offenses.

"There doesn't seem to be a lot of effort to do anything about it," said E. Mustaine, an associate professor at the University of Central Florida.

It looked at 198 of the largest counties in the country, based on population.

There were 1.5 million drug arrests out of 19.5 million drug users in 2002, it said. About 175,000 people were incarcerated for a drug offense, of which half were black, even though blacks account for 13 percent of the U.S. population, it said.

The disparity was most obvious in counties that are known for their high poverty and unemployment rate, as well as those who spend a large percentage of their budgets on law enforcement.

"What you keep seeing is this towering drug admission rate for African Americans and a very small rate for whites. In many cases, the admission rate for whites is smaller than the (percentage of whites in the) whole population," said Jason Ziedenberg, the institute's executive director.

"If a community has more resources available to it for law enforcement, it may have the ability to enforce laws that in another place wouldn't be enforced in the same way because they mainly would be responding to violent crime," Ziedenberg said.

“Drug enforcement practices are focused in the African-American community, despite evidence that they are no more likely than their white counterparts to be engaged in drug use or drug delivery behaviors. Local, state and federal policymakers should closely examine racial disparity in local drug imprisonment rates that result from these practices, and consider alternative approaches to reducing drug use and sales,” the study suggests. Read study Justice Policy Institute

Monday, December 3, 2007

Black Women Tased onThankgiving Day

Another Torture Victim
Tasered Black Women Driver - Thanksgiving Day

Why are black women and men being tortured throughout America and no one is saying anything? Not our congressional leadership, not one black mayor has called for an investigation for why black folk are be tortured and being "Tasered why Black." Hat Tip: AJ at the blog
over analyze it

Check out this new incident provided by statesman.com It shows an assault and torture of what sounds like a black women, because the black women did not give her registration and insurance information quick enough. See the dashboard police camera showing incident. Also check out what the women says.

Keep in mind Cpl. Thomas O'Connor begins yelling at this man 16 secs in and asks him to step out 27 seconds in.

(O'Connor's explanation) http://alt.coxnewsweb.com/statesman/pdf/09/0930video_af...
(3 day suspension document) http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/opm/downloads/TempSus_OConno...
(Other video) http://www.statesman.com/news/mplayer/other/32386


Clinton get boos in Iowa

Politico reports Clinton "drew boos from a liberal crowd at Des Moines Hy-Vee center after Billy Lawless, an Irish immigration activist from Chicago, asked whether she would "make a decision to give undocumented immigrants a path to citizenship" during her first 100 days in office."

Clinton responded by saying she favored comprehensive immigration reform, but that first, “you've got to get Congress to pass the legislation and the president to do as much as possible, which I will do." More HERE

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Faith, Politics and Lies - Juanita Bynum "choked me." says Bishop Thomas Weeks

Juanita Bynum "choked me." says Bishop Thomas Weeks who held a press conference to counter the Essence magazine coverage. What is going on in Black America that we have to see and hear this type of mess? OK, so this blog is showing you this mess. I bet you watch the video. Is Bishop Thomas Weeks a liar or what? I never touched her. Right! No credibility in that comment.

Can we Trust Hillary? Or is she just sly as a fox?

Is Hillary Clinton getting shaky, on an issue important to black Americans. has she ever heard of the word - Justice? Is she getting as shaky as she was by supporting bush's war, and refusing to say i was wrong? Is she wrong again? Or is she a skillful politican looking beyond the primaries to the general election?

Are the Republican's ready with Willie Horton Ads against any democratic nominee who supports a federal recommendation for shorter sentences for some people caught and convicted with crack cocaine and a currently serving Federal prison time? Many feel the shorter sentences should be retroactive. Including many black leaders and afrospear members.

The question is, will the Republicans use scare tactics to make the democrats look like they want to provide an early release to over 20,000 people (mostly black and Latino) convicted on drug charges into black and brown communities across America? I think the Republicans would run anyone into the ground who supports that plan. Candidly I have some issues about the plan myself. It should be done on a case by case basis. Maybe get the black and Latino legal community, through their bar associations involved, or black police organizations involved in the review process. Speaking of running, I think the National Republican Party is run by some
Evil GOP Bastards who will now use his support of the program against him in the general election.

I think Hillary Clinton
may be on to something.I wonder if Obama advisors would have been wise to take the same temporary position. Is it not about winning the electon? The old, getting the foot in the white house door, then make policy decisions. Well that's my thoughts. Check out another report on what happened in Iowa below:

Check out what has happened in DES MOINES, Iowa — (Hat Tip Rikyrah at Jack and Jill Politics)

As reported by Politico The Democratic candidates for president were pressed from the left in two events in Iowa Saturday and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton emerged slightly, but noticeably, as the most conservative in the field.

On issues ranging from drug crimes to immigration to relations with Cuba, Clinton took heat from liberal audiences for refusing — on emotionally charged issues — to tell them what they wanted to hear.

Her stances could be read as a mark that she, like her husband, is the centrist of the race; or as an attempt to protect herself from Republican attacks in a general election.

One of the Democrats’ rare moments of policy disagreement came at the beginning of the Black and Brown forum Saturday night, the traditional venue for minority issues in Iowa where only 9 percent of citizens are members of minority groups.

Clinton, who said she supports a federal recommendation for shorter sentences for some people caught with crack cocaine, opposed making those shorter sentences retroactive — which could eventually result in the early release of 20,000 people convicted on drug charges.

“In principle I have problems with retroactivity," she said. "It’s something a lot of communities will be concerned about as well."

In an interview after the debate, Clinton’s pollster, Mark Penn, pointed out that the Republican front-runner has already signaled that he will attack Democrats on releasing people convicted of drug crimes -
More HERE.

AAPP: As I said, I think Hillary Clinton may be on to something.
Rikyrah and a few other commentators see it a little different at Jack and Jill Politics. Rikyrah feels Black Folk are being thrown under the bus. read her comments here.

What do you think?

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