The Stop Taser Torture Movement is appreciative of Rev. Kyev Tatum, Sr. and the support of the SCLC Fort Worth Tarrant County Chapter.
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Saturday, November 21, 2009
SCLC Supports Stop Taser Torture - Blogging For Justice Day 12.4.09
The Fort Worth Branch of SCLC, The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) which has taken a national lead protesting the taser death of Michael Jacobs has not stopped in renewing the call for Taser Ban.They are also actively supporting the Stop Taser Torture day on December 4th 2009.
The Stop Taser Torture Movement is appreciative of Rev. Kyev Tatum, Sr. and the support of the SCLC Fort Worth Tarrant County Chapter.
Civil Rights Groups and Congressional Black Caucus Turn on Obama

The organizations — including the A.F.L.-C.I.O. and the National Council of La Raza, a Hispanic advocacy group— will make clear that they believe the president’s $787 billion stimulus program has not gone far enough to fight unemployment.
They will call for increased spending for schools and roads, billions of dollars in fiscal relief to state and local governments to forestall more layoffs and a direct government jobs program, “especially in distressed communities facing severe unemployment.”
AAPP says, It's about time the NAACP said something about the status of black America. It's also about time that the Congressional Black Caucus Congressional Black Caucus addressed the unemployment status of our community.
But, one has to wonder why they are now pressing Barack Obama on this issue, when they are the ones that voted for his bogus stimulus plan from the get. Read >>>The Black Caucus and Obama: One-Way Loyalty | Black Agenda Report
As Glen Ford at the Black Agenda Report has noted, The Obama Administration makes it plain that no serious job-creation proposals will be entertained.The employment crisis is to be treated as a waiting game. Civil rights and labor leaders seem not to understand that their president “is philosophically opposed to targeted programs that might directly impact on Black unemployment.” More>>> on the White House plans sham jobs forum.
Now, as reported in the Huffington Post, a bloc of African American House Democrats, angry and worried that not enough is being done about high unemployment by the administration, forced the postponement of a much-anticipated vote Thursday on comprehensive financial regulation reform. The Financial Services Committee had finished hearing amendments around 3 p.m. and recessed, planning to return at 4 for a final vote on the package. But during the break, some of the Democrats on the committee buttonholed Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and told him they wouldn't vote for the bill because of the deepening problem of unemployment in their districts. The refusal to vote for the package, a key priority of the administration, and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner in particular, was portrayed as a direct rebuke of the White House's "lack of response to the economic situation." "We will not be proceeding to passage today," Frank began. "I have been meeting with members of the committee, particularly the members of the Congressional Black Caucus, who have informed me that they are troubled by what they believe is the lack of response to the economic situation that is confronting them on the part of the administration, and therefore do not feel that they could -- in deference to the various constituencies that they represent -- vote for passage." The CBC met earlier this week with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and expressed dissatisfaction with the administration's response to the unemployment situation, an aide familiar with the meeting said. More HERE
The bogus CBC and Congressional Black Caucus decision to buck Barack Obama all of sudden, is a tell tale sign that they will have competition in there own elections this years, as many people will hopefully come out of the woodwork to run against them.
Many of their districts are turning into white urban enclaves due to gentrification.
There will be a lot of different folks, including unhappy Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans, Whites and maybe a few Vietnamese running and splitting the black vote against these old CBC members crooks who have been in office ripping folks off for too long. Why are they bucking Obama now? Are these the same Congressional Black Caucus members that supported billions of America's hard earned tax dollars being sent over to Iraq for reconstruction when black America needed it's own reconsruction projects?
I have been pointing out for some time on my BlogTalkRadio program that these black politicans are just crooks and liars like their counterparts. They could care less about the Sub Prime Tsunami that black folks have experienced. According to a recent report, Blacks and Latinos will lose between $163 billion and $278 billion from sub prime loans taken out over the past eight years. Blacks will lose $71 billion to $122 billion, while Latino borrowers will lose between $76 billion to $129 billion for the same period. More HERE
Lets see if any of these balless members and their fellow democrats will confront the issue of mass incarceration of black folks while they are at it. Doubt It!
PS: Let me not even talk about the National office of the NAACP. I hope to have them on my blogtakradio program in the next few weeks.
Standards For police Taser Use supported By Publisher of Tasered While Black Blog
Standards For police Taser Use supported By Publisher of Tasered While Black Blog
Standards for police taser use supported by publisher of Tasered While Black Blog
I just finished reading the Police Executive Research Forum's Taser policy guidelines. The forum is a research group for police chiefs and administrators funded by the U.S. Department of Justice. There are 52 standards that were released in 2005. It was an attempt to standardize police department Taser policy nationally. The guidelines are a good start, and should be adopted in State Legislatures across America. Hopeful Canada would do the same. Do I want tasered outlawed, yes. Yet in the interim, strict policy must be created and enforced.
Some of the police forum's standards provide stricter guidelines for Taser use and improve internal oversight, training and medical care for people shot with a Taser. These standards cover issues not adequately addressed in thousands of police department across the United States, Canada and other countries.
Results include your SearchWiki notes for Chicgao sun times, taser. Share these notes
Blogger, African American Political Pundit, who also publishes the blogs, Stop Taser Torture, Tasered While Black said, "every police department in the United States should compare it's Police Department's Taser policy with the forum's standards." He also said, there is a need for all police departments to establish a clear policy on providing medical treatment from medical professionals to people shot with Tasers." The bottom line is police agencies should be required to contact emergency responders whenever the police respond to a call where they believe a Taser might be used." The blogger said, "It's time for police departments to take corrective action and it's time for Congressional and state legislators, along with state police agencies to take the lead in developing strict requirements, such as those spelled out in the Police Executive Research Forum's Taser policy guidelines."
Don't forget to join us on December 4th. “Stop Taser Torture, blogging for Justice.” as we raise awareness and trigger a global discussion. Contact us at: to register your blog.
Please place a button on your blog.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Progressive Bloggers United Against Taser Torture, Kick Off Crusade
Back-to-Back-to-Back Taser Deaths Kicks Off Crusade
By Eddie G. Griffin (BASG)
Since the maker of the 50,000-volt electronic stun gun control device (ECD), TASER International, issued a new directive and warnings in an October 12, 2009 memo, there has been six more death, three in a matter of four days this past week:
• 453. November 13, 2009: Herman George Knabe, 58, Corpus Christi, Texas
• 454. November 14, 2009: Darryl Bain, 43, Long Island, New York
• 455. November 16, 2009: Matthew Bolick, 30, East Grand Rapids, Michigan
The word about tasers is obviously not getting out. There is still a general public acceptance of tasers as an better alternative to more deadly force, and the common belief among law enforcement that the instrument saves more lives than are lost. But is it saving lives of officers in the field at the expense of the lives of innocent people and thereby endangering the general public’s safety?
Truth Not Tasers blogsite now list the names of 455 people in North America who have lost their lives by tasers.
In a continuing effort to raise public awareness about the deadliness of the weapon, and the memory of those who needlessly died, we are waging a blogging campaign on December 4, 2009. The purpose of the Stop Taser Torture Blogging for Justice Day is “to unite the world’s bloggers” in America, Canada, and throughout the world to join in on the effort to stop tasers.
[Blog Registration through]
AfroSpear Network Blogger, Eddie G. Griffin (BASG), has joined the campaign to register the grievances against TASER International on behalf of Fort Worth, Texas families who have lost love ones to the device.
• 424. April 18, 2009: Michael Jacobs Jr., 24, Fort Worth, Texas
• 228. August 23, 2006: Noah Lopez, 25, Fort Worth, Texas
• 138. June 24, 2005: Carolyn Daniels, 25, Fort Worth, Texas
• 116. April 3, 2005: Eric Hammock, 43, Fort Worth, Texas
• 86. November 2, 2004: Robert Guerrero, 21, Fort Worth, Texas
Eddie G. Griffin (BASG), an Adult Friend of World’s Children’s Prize for the Rights of the Child, Mariefred, Sweden, also raise the issue of tasers used against children, contrary to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Resolution 44/25, adopted by the General Assembly on 20 November 1989, which states in Article 6 that “every child has the inherent right to life”, and in Article 37 (a) No child shall be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
These are children who died by taser.
• 7. December 15, 2001: Hannah Rogers-Grippi, 6 months fetus, Chula Vista, California
• 144. July 12, 2005: Kevin Omas, 17, Euless, Texas
• 249. October 29, 2006: Roger Holyfield, 17, Jerseyville, Illinois
• 351. March 20, 2008: Darryl Wayne Turner, 17, Charlotte, North Carolina
• 379. July 22, 2008: Michael Langan, 17, Winnipeg, Manitoba
• 408. January 8, 2009: Derrick Jones, 17, Martinsville, Virginia
• 417. March 22, 2009: Brett Elder, 15, Bay City, Michigan
• 421. April 10, 2009: Robert Mitchell, 16, Detroit, Michigan
Although the United States is not a signatory party to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, these voiceless children have need of an advocate to speak on their behalf.
417. March 22, 2009: Brett Elder, 15, Bay City, Michigan
Hello, my name is Bethany and I have been reading a lot about how to try and change the state laws in Michigan. I was very close to the 15-year old boy Brett Elder (Dewy). I think about him every day and there is nothing I can do to bring him back, but there is something I can do, and that is to start a Petition. As you may know there have already been two deaths of minors in the State of Michigan this year. I am currently in the process of creating a petition (Dewy’s Minor Taser Protection Act).
If you have any advice for me please feel free to e-mail me. I have also a myspace:
Bethany A. Schuster, Bay City, Michigan (
[Editor's Note: As I write, a 10-year old girl has been tasered.]
FOR TASER WAR UPDATES, Read http://eddiegriffinbasg.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Alabama county sues JPMorgan over debt deals
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Alabama’s most populous county filed suit Friday blaming Wall Street powerhouse JPMorgan Chase and others for the financial disaster that brought it to the brink of what would be the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history.
Source: Mark Lennihan / The Associated Press
Jefferson County in Alabama filed a suit that contends JPMorgan Chase and others were part of a conspiracy.
The suit, filed in state court by Jefferson County, contends JPMorgan Securities Inc., JPMorgan Chase Bank, former Birmingham Mayor Larry Langford and dozens of other defendants were part of a conspiracy to generate huge fees through a series of deals called rate swaps.
The suit, filed in state court by Jefferson County, contends JPMorgan Securities Inc., JPMorgan Chase Bank, former Birmingham Mayor Larry Langford and dozens of other defendants were part of a conspiracy to generate huge fees through a series of deals called rate swaps.
The deals were supposed to help the county manage debt from a massive sewer renovation but instead generated huge fees and crippled the county’s finances, according to the complaint.
“These transactions provided no value to the county or its citizens and created an inherently flawed financial structure that imploded within just a few years,” said the complaint, which seeks an unspecified amount in damages.
“These transactions provided no value to the county or its citizens and created an inherently flawed financial structure that imploded within just a few years,” said the complaint, which seeks an unspecified amount in damages.
The lawsuit also names Montgomery-based investment banker Bill Blount and lobbyist Al LaPierre, both of whom pleaded guilty to bribing Langford in deals that generated $ 7.1 million in fees for Blount’s company, Blount Parrish & Co., which also is a defendant in the case.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Mayor Larry Langford Found guilty - faces a potential sentence of 805 years
Birmingham Mayor Larry Langford waits outside the the Federal Building in Tuscaloosa, Ala, as the jury deliberates during his federal bribery trial Wednesday, October 28, 2009. (The Birmingham News /Tamika Moore) Larry Langford, Birmingham's mayor and a former Jefferson County commissioner, has been found guilty in his federal bribery trial.
Langford, who is 61 or 63, was found guilty of taking about $236,000 in cash and gifts from Montgomery investment banker Bill Blount and lobbyist Al LaPierre.
Both pleaded guilty in the case and testified they made cash payments to Langford while he was the president of the Jefferson County Commission to ensure business for Blount's investment bank, Blount Parrish & Co.
"We all have our trials, this too will pass," Langford said as he walked from the courtroom followed closely by his wife.
"The citizens of Birmingham have been fantastic to me," he said outside the courthouse.
He said the verdict will be appealed. "I'm no crybaby, but ..."
"At the end of the day, I shot my best shot, but the jury ruled the way that they did," he said, in a wide-ranging press conference outside court.
"All this trial did was interrupt my Bible study classes for two weeks," he said, adding he faces a potential sentence of 805 years. He said if he lived to be 80, he would have to die and "come back 10 more times" to serve such a sentence.
Judge Scott Coogler decided Langford would forfeit $241,843. The lawyers agreed.
Coogler ordered a sentencing report within 90 to 120 days and said Langford would remain free until then on the existing $50,000 unsecured bond.
Birmingham City Council President Carole Smitherman is now mayor of Alabama's largest city. (Corrected: A swearing in is not required) More HERE
Langford, who is 61 or 63, was found guilty of taking about $236,000 in cash and gifts from Montgomery investment banker Bill Blount and lobbyist Al LaPierre.
Both pleaded guilty in the case and testified they made cash payments to Langford while he was the president of the Jefferson County Commission to ensure business for Blount's investment bank, Blount Parrish & Co.
"We all have our trials, this too will pass," Langford said as he walked from the courtroom followed closely by his wife.
"The citizens of Birmingham have been fantastic to me," he said outside the courthouse.
He said the verdict will be appealed. "I'm no crybaby, but ..."
"At the end of the day, I shot my best shot, but the jury ruled the way that they did," he said, in a wide-ranging press conference outside court.
"All this trial did was interrupt my Bible study classes for two weeks," he said, adding he faces a potential sentence of 805 years. He said if he lived to be 80, he would have to die and "come back 10 more times" to serve such a sentence.
Judge Scott Coogler decided Langford would forfeit $241,843. The lawyers agreed.
Coogler ordered a sentencing report within 90 to 120 days and said Langford would remain free until then on the existing $50,000 unsecured bond.
Birmingham City Council President Carole Smitherman is now mayor of Alabama's largest city. (Corrected: A swearing in is not required) More HERE
10 Year old Girl Tasered By police
Is there ever a time when a 10 year old kid should be tasered by police for bad behavior?
According to OZARK, Ark. Police there is: Get this, according to -- Ozark police said they were called to a home where a mother asked for help with her unruly child, but the 10-year-old's father said he's outraged at the force police used against his daughter.
"I would like to say Ozark police Tased this little girl right here.
Ten years old and [they] shot electricity through her body, and I want to know how the heck in God's green earth can they get away with this," said the girl's father, Anthony Medlock.Medlock said his daughter was at her mother's house when Ozark police Officer Dustin Bradshaw shocked her in the back with a Taser and arrested her."If you can't pick the kid up and take her to your car, handcuff her, then I don't think you need to be an officer," Medlock said.Medlock said his daughter does show signs of having emotional issues, but she "doesn't deserve to be treated like a dog.
She's not a tiger."According to a police report, the officer was called to the home by the mother and witnessed the child kicking and screaming.The officer's statement said the girl's mother, Kelly Hamlert, told him to use a Taser on her if he needed to.The officer did shock the girl after he said she kicked him in the groin."He had no other choice. He had to get the child under control," said Ozark police Chief Jim Noggle.Noggle said the officer shocked the girl for about a second.Ozark police said it is their policy to use a Taser on someone who is a threat to others, no matter their age. More HERE
AAPP says: "This amount to taser torture no matter what age. So these idiot police department will tase a 5 year old who is a threat to another 5 year old. These are really some stupid backward bastards." This is just another reason to Join us and let's stop the Taser madness ---- it's time for all bloggers whether you be, Black, White, Latino, Native American, Asian, Hillbilly or Progressives to come together on this issue. As Villager, at Electronic Village noted recently, "These deaths keep piling on at a rate of once-per-week." I also encourage all bloggers to join us on December 4, 2009 when we gather for a Day of Blogging for Justice to Stop Taser Torture.
Don't forget to Sign The Petition to Request Congressional hearings on Taser Torture in America.
Don't forget to Sign The Petition to Request Congressional hearings on Taser Torture in America.
Why do black folks do this - Are black folks going insane - I ask Why?
There is something going on in America. Has black America gone insane? Is there something in the Chicken? As an example Why would an enraged father shoot and kill his 15yr old son in the back of the head execution style? Why would a Chicago School Board President Kill himself ? Why did a 21-year-old man have to be fatally shot in broad daylight as he boards a bus on a busy street? "He was just boarding the bus. He was actually onboard and was shot while standing in the doorway of the bus by shooters on the outside of the bus," Burke said.Rawlings's younger brother, DeOnté Rawlings, was 14 when he was killed in 2007 by an off-duty D.C. police officer who had gone to recover a stolen minibike. Federal officials ruled the shooting justified.
Why did a 17-year-old girl have to die when shots are exchanged on a neighborhood playground and she is caught in the crossfire? Why are drive by shootings happening in Tallahassee's Lake Palm Drive? Why would the DC sniper calls himself 'this innocent black man'? Why are men dying in South Kansas City Shooting?
Gregory Kane: When innocence is anything but - Why would a black man rob a store and kill the liquor Store Owner? Why would someone kill a 15-year-old Jason Madison Jr. Who Baltimore police say his murderer gagged with a pillow case and then stabbed him repeatedly in the head and throat with a box cutter. That was after sexually assaulting and sodomizing the boy. Why are black folks invading homes and killing like it's goin out of style.Why would some shoot a Birmingham woman and kill her with a gunshot wound to head? Tuesday night Why did another young black woman get killed because she was involved in a hateful relationship.
Yes, I know the bigots love this post. But we do have to admit, America has made many of our youth nothing more than two-bit thugs. I hope that this young men didn't kill this Pregnant Woman as reported by the clor aroused Newsnet 14 group.
Finally why would a black man rob banks - without a mask?

Surveillance photo
The FBI says this man robbed two Houston-area banks in four days earlier this month. I guess it's the economy. It's making black folks go insane!AAPP says: If we are looking for the President of the United States or the justice department to address these issues, we will be waiting for hell to freeze over.
You see, President Obama is well intended, but he is surrounded by crooks, liars and criminals. These crooks and liars have run the banks into the ground and ruined our economy. Now black folks have gone plum crazy!
Black America has to stimulate itself out of this mess. The only stimulus package the United States Government will provide will be to Wall Street. There will be no bailout from the Justice Department, The Department of Labor or the Department of Education soon.
Police in Texas taser torture for low-level, non-violent misdemeanors like disruption of class or disorderly conduct
According to Cameron Langford at the Court House News Service, Police in Texas public schools are increasingly using force against children, including Tasers and pepper spray, and the "overwhelming majority" of police "interventions" involve "low-level, non-violent misdemeanors like disruption of class or disorderly conduct," a public interest group says.
Texas Appleseed claims the Spring Branch Independent School District is putting students at risk and violating the law by refusing to release its "use of force" policy.
More than 75 percent of Spring Branch, a suburb northwest of Houston, is black or Latino. The school district claims its use of force policy is exempt from disclosure because of the exception for law enforcement.
Texas Appleseed says it sent open records requests to 24 Texas school districts, seeking their police departments' use of force policies, and 11 produced the documents. The group say its investigation revealed accounts of police in Texas public schools using pepper spray and Tasers on students.
"The public interest in ensuring full dialogue around policies relating to use force on Texas school children outweighs any risk to SBISD-PD's ability to affect arrests or engage in law enforcement on its campuses," Texas Appleseed says in its complaint in Harris County Court.
Appleseed says that reports of Texas school police using pepper spray and Tasers on school children are becoming more common. It says the data its has received shows the "overwhelming majority of law enforcement interventions on Texas school campuses involve school-aged children cited or arrested for low-level, non-violent misdemeanors like disruption of class or disorderly conduct." Read More HERE
Texas Appleseed claims the Spring Branch Independent School District is putting students at risk and violating the law by refusing to release its "use of force" policy.
More than 75 percent of Spring Branch, a suburb northwest of Houston, is black or Latino. The school district claims its use of force policy is exempt from disclosure because of the exception for law enforcement.
Texas Appleseed says it sent open records requests to 24 Texas school districts, seeking their police departments' use of force policies, and 11 produced the documents. The group say its investigation revealed accounts of police in Texas public schools using pepper spray and Tasers on students.
"The public interest in ensuring full dialogue around policies relating to use force on Texas school children outweighs any risk to SBISD-PD's ability to affect arrests or engage in law enforcement on its campuses," Texas Appleseed says in its complaint in Harris County Court.
Appleseed says that reports of Texas school police using pepper spray and Tasers on school children are becoming more common. It says the data its has received shows the "overwhelming majority of law enforcement interventions on Texas school campuses involve school-aged children cited or arrested for low-level, non-violent misdemeanors like disruption of class or disorderly conduct." Read More HERE
TWB Publisher says: I'm glad to see that a watchdog group wants Info on Police Use of Force Against Schoolkids. It's time to stop the torture of school children in our public school system. Where is the U.S. Department of Justice when we need them to protect our children? Texas is not the only state torturing our children.
Join up with:
- Black
- Black Women In Europe
- Charly Miller 's Taser Collection of Articles of Tasers
- Educate yourself about tasers
- Electronic Village
- Excited-Delirium
- From My Brown Eyed View
- It All Goes Here
- No More Tasers
- Pam's House Blend
- Petition for Congressional Hearing on Taser Torture
- Petition to Ban Taser Use by Police in U.S.
- Police-brutality Blog
- Prevent Dangerous Harm
- Stop Taser Torture
- Taser Deaths In Canada
- Taser
- Taser Watch
- Tasered While Black
- The Duck Shoot
- The Superspade
- Truth Not Tasers
Let's build a blogger movement to stand in the gap for our children!
Killer Cop Goes To Trial For Taser Death - Another Taser Death in New York
NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- A former Winnfield Police officer accused of repeatedly jolting a handcuffed man with a Taser before he died is scheduled to be tried on manslaughter and malfeasance in office charges in February. Death by Taser: Police Accused of Cover-Up.
Former police officer Scott Nuugent's trial originally was scheduled to start July 13, but it was postponed so a key witness, Winn Parish Coroner Randolph Williams, could recover from an accidental gunshot wound.
A spokesman for Winn Parish District Attorney Chris Nevils said Thursday that Nugent's trial now is scheduled to start Feb. 9 and last about a week. In January 2008, Nugent allegedly shocked 21-year-old Baron “Scooter” Pikes nine times with a 50,000-volt Taser while arresting him. Also read cover-up alleged in La. Taser attack and Lousiana Police Electrocute Handcuffed Man..
It's important to note, as reported by that police officer Scott Nugent arrested 21-year-old Baron Pikes, handcuffed him and shot him six times in three minutes with a Taser as he struggled to escape.
Once Pikes was in the police car, Nugent shot him a seventh time in the chest. Pikes stopped responding, but Nugent shot him twice more after removing him from the car. Pikes was ruled dead within a half hour.
Nugent was charged with manslaughter August 13 by a grand jury that ruled he used the Taser “unnecessarily” and failed to get medical help. He faces up to 40 years in prison if convicted.
The mother of Pikes’s four-year-old son has filed a wrongful-death lawsuit against Nugent, city officials and Taser International, the manufacturer of the gun. More HERE
Once Pikes was in the police car, Nugent shot him a seventh time in the chest. Pikes stopped responding, but Nugent shot him twice more after removing him from the car. Pikes was ruled dead within a half hour.
Nugent was charged with manslaughter August 13 by a grand jury that ruled he used the Taser “unnecessarily” and failed to get medical help. He faces up to 40 years in prison if convicted.
The mother of Pikes’s four-year-old son has filed a wrongful-death lawsuit against Nugent, city officials and Taser International, the manufacturer of the gun. More HERE
Meanwhile, as reported by NewsDay, the mother of a drugged-up Long Island man who died after being shot by a Taser gun while fighting with police officers Saturday said cops didn't have to stun her boy.
Darryl Bain, 43, was high on cocaine and had locked himself and his elderly mother in her Coram home about 2:46 a.m., causing his brother, Kevin, to call 911, relatives and Suffolk County police said.
But Bain was not posing any threat and didn't need to be stunned with a Taser, said Phyllis Hawkins, his mom.
"I was just trying to get him to get his hands off the door," Hawkins, 78, said."He seemed to be getting himself together from what he did," she said, adding that she smelled alcohol on her son's breath.
"[The police] know that when he gets like that, he calms himself down," she said.
Hearing a struggle with his mother, who has an order of protection against her son, officers broke down the door and tried to wrestle him to the ground, police said.
Bain was shot with the Taser but continued to fight with the officers as they tried to cuff him and they zapped him again, police said. He stopped breathing moments later.

Read more: HERE
AAPP says: It';s obvious that this man was troubled and needed mental help, not death because he abused cocaine and liquor.
Black progressive bloggers have been covering this issue for some time.
Progressive bloggers like, Excited-Delirium , Truth Not Tasers, Electronic Village, and so many other bloggers have been working to expose the deaths of men in women tased to death in police custody. We want to expand the conversation to include as many bloggers as possible.
AAPP says: It';s obvious that this man was troubled and needed mental help, not death because he abused cocaine and liquor.
Black progressive bloggers have been covering this issue for some time.
Progressive bloggers like, Excited-Delirium , Truth Not Tasers, Electronic Village, and so many other bloggers have been working to expose the deaths of men in women tased to death in police custody. We want to expand the conversation to include as many bloggers as possible.
Join us and let's stop the Taser madness ---- it's time for all bloggers whether you be, Black, White, Latino, Native American, Asian, or progressives to come together on this issue. As Villager, at Electronic Village noted recently, "These deaths keep piling on at a rate of once-per-week." I also encourage all bloggers to join us on December 4, 2009 when we gather for a Day of Blogging for Justice to Stop Taser Torture.
Don't forget to Sign The Petition to Request Congressional hearings on Taser Torture in America.
As the Dallas South On-line Newspaper noted, It's time for Congress and the Justice Department to revisit the use of force continuum due to lethal nature of Tasers.
Let's make the December 4th event bigger than our day of blogging for Justice – Standing up against the pre-trial electrocution effort.
Please Sign up now!
Here is a partial list of last years participants and what they said about taser torture:
African American Opinion - A Day of Blogging for Justice …
African American Political Opinion – “A Day of Blogging for Justice …
African American Political Pundit – A Day of Blogging for Justice – Blogging Against Extra-Judicial Electrocution via Tasers
All About Race – A Day of Blogging for Justice
Ancestralenergies – Day-of-Blogging-For-Justice
Black - Taser Awareness – Blogging Against Extrea Judicial Electrocution
Christina Springer Blog- Wish-I-Had-More-Time
Eddie G. Griffin (BASG) - Officer may be indicted for Tasing Death of Scooter
Electronic Village -Electronic Village: End Police Pre-Trial, Extra Judicial
Electrocuted While black – Electrocuted While Black: “A Day of Blogging for Justice
InkogNegro – Day of Blogging for Justice – Don’t Tase the Bros to death
Jack and Jill Politics - Extra-Judicial Electrocution – Jack & Jill Politics
Jena 6 Blog - Barron-pikes-tasered-while-handcuffed.html
Police Brutality Blog - “A Day of Blogging for Justice
Purple Zoe -A Day-of-blogging-opposing-pre-trial Electrocution
Regina’s Family Seasons - “A Day Of Blogging For Justice” – Tasers.\
Republic of T – Held Suspect
A Slant Truth – Blogging For Justice – Police Abuse (Tasers)
Tasered While Black - Tasered While Black: A Day of Blogging For Justice
Ultra Violet Underground - Day Of Blogging Opposing Pre-Trial Electrocution aka Tasering
What Tami Said – A day of blogging for justice
Wonderland or Not - Taser-lets-get-a-clue
The Black Snob – A Fight Against Taser Abuse and Other News
The Super Spade – A Day of Blogging for Justice – Against – Extra – Judicial Electrocution
Are you on this years list yet? Join the growing list of blogs that are making the December 4th event bigger than our day of blogging for Justice – Standing up against the pre-trial electrocution effort.
Join up with:
- Black
- Black Women In Europe
- Charly Miller 's Taser Collection of Articles of Tasers
- Educate yourself about tasers
- Electronic Village
- Excited-Delirium
- From My Brown Eyed View
- It All Goes Here
- No More Tasers
- Pam's House Blend
- Petition for Congressional Hearing on Taser Torture
- Petition to Ban Taser Use by Police in U.S.
- Police-brutality Blog
- Prevent Dangerous Harm
- Stop Taser Torture
- Taser Deaths In Canada
- Taser
- Taser Watch
- Tasered While Black
- The Duck Shoot
- The Superspade
- Truth Not Tasers
And many More! Sign up now!
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