OK, I don't always agree with Colbert I. King at The Washington Post. But I must say, I agree with most of his recent post when he writes, " Some events in a presidential campaign turn out to be so pivotal that they can end up influencing the outcome." He points out examples like:
· The televised debates between John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon in 1960.
· George McGovern's decision to drop Tom Eagleton from the Democratic ticket in 1972.
· Gerald Ford's famous declaration in a presidential debate on Oct. 6, 1976, that "there is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe and there never will be under a Ford administration."
· Jimmy Carter's Iranian hostage crisis in 1980.
· The 2004 book "Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak out Against John Kerry."
And let's not forget the use in 1988 of political advertising featuring the black felon Willie Horton.
Comes now the latest presidential campaign development of possible historical significance: the arrival on the scene of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Sen. Barack Obama's former pastor.
The Chicago pastor's incendiary remarks about America, which have played endlessly in video loops, and then with his mocking, flippant, and frankly jaw-dropping performance at the National Press Club this week, have earned him a permanent place in presidential campaign folklore.
"Here stands Jeremiah Wright," reads the entry, "the preacher who single-handedly altered the course of Sen. Barack Obama's run for the White House."
AAPP: As colbert King points out, "That takes some doing." Read more of his post HERE

- National Press Club Articles on the Web H/T The Washington Post - for the Link.
- Rev. Wright Launches Own 24-Hr. Channel; All Wright, All the Time, Preacher Promises(Yahoo! News) 5/3/2008
- The Wright stuff (Seattle Times) 5/3/2008
- National Press Club to Host 'NEWSMAKER' Media Briefing on Iraq's Economic Surge (Examiner) 5/2/2008
- Readers' Wright arrogant, combative (Deseret News) 5/2/2008
- National Press Club to Host 'NEWSMAKER' Media Briefing on Iraq's Economic Surge(Yahoo! News) 5/2/2008
- Guinness Draft Creates Washington Buzz: (StreetInsider) 5/2/2008
- National Press Club to Host 'NEWSMAKER' Media Briefing on Media Freedom in Afghanistan With Saad Mohseni, Chairman, Moby Media Group (StreetInsider)
- Daybook (Washington Times) 5/1/2008
- National Press Club Statement on Errol Louis Story in NY Daily News (FindLaw)4/30/2008
- Rev. Wright Revs Up Press Club Crowd (Roll Call) 4/29/2008
- National Press Club Blogs on the Web
- Perspective, Please (MoJo Blog) 5/2/2008
- Federalist Society Conference on Consumer Credit Regulation: (The Volokh Conspiracy)5/2/2008
- New American Arsenal (Outside the Beltway) 5/1/2008
- Wright from the Left (NRO: The Corner) 5/1/2008
- "Vicious Truths" (The Daily Dish) 5/1/2008
- National Press Club Video on the Web
- Roiled Obama Rips Rev. Wright (CBS News Video) 5/2/2008
- Reverend Wright: White People Got No Rhythm (EVTV1 Video- News) 4/30/2008
- Obama Reacts To Wright's Comments (NBC 10 Video - Local News) 4/29/2008
- Washington Sketch: How to Sabotage a Presidential Campaign (Washingtonpost.com Video) 4/29/2008
- Rev. Wright 'Lowered Himself' (CNN Video) 4/29/2008
- National Press Club Audio on the Web
- Louisiana leader looks to the future (Minnesota Public Radio) 5/2/2008
- Analysis: Rev. Wright's Comments on 'Black Church' (NPR Politics & Society) 4/29/2008 8:49:25 AM
- Wright Decries 'Out of Context' Criticisms of Sermon (NPR US News) 4/28/2008
- Rev. Jeremiah Wright speaks out at the National Press Club (Minnesota Public Radio)4/28/2008
- Is Rev. Wright Helping or Hurting Obama? (NPR Politics & Society)