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Saturday, October 17, 2009
California bigot charged with threats on Obama and his family
There is one thing you have to love about Barack Obama, he knows how to handle a crowd."He did give a good speech."
The young boy from New Orleans asked a great question. Now we learn from The Huffington Post, A Northern California man remained in federal custody without bail Friday after being charged with sending racist, profanity-laced e-mail threatening to kill President Barack Obama and his family. More HERE
AAPP: These bigots are coming out of the woodwork. Obama still keeps it positive. That's a good thing...
Friday, October 16, 2009
NAACP Supports Wacko Judge Involved in sodomy and kidnapping , extortion, sex abuse and assault
Now the former circuit judge, 48, of Mobile, Alabama has been charged with sodomy and kidnapping , extortion, sex abuse and assault, against 15 current and former prisoners.
The inmates stated that in exchange for these sexual acts he would grant them leniency. More HERE

Former Judge Herman Thomas
As reported by the BBC Mr Thomas resigned as a judge in 2007 following allegations that he spanked inmates in his private office at the county courthouse with a paddle.
'Private meetings'
In April this year, he was indicted on more serious charges.
If he is convicted of the charges of kidnapping, he could face a sentence of life in prison.
Court records show that some of the inmates involved said they were checked out of jail for meetings with the defendant in either his car or in his office.
They claim they were abused during these meetings.
However, Mr Thomas's lawyer, Robert Clark, has said the alleged victims were trying to ruin his client's career.
In April, he described the situation as a "a high-tech lynching" and said it was politically motivated.
He said: "They don't like uppity black folks, and that's what they consider Herman."
Mr Thomas's license to practice has already been suspended.
AAPP: Get this, the BBC reports "The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a civil rights organization, has said that Mr Thomas is being prosecuted because of his race. I guess the NAACP did not talk with the other judge he threatened.The NAACP also should have listened to the evidence including the semen stain evidence that will be used in the prosecution of Herman Thomas which was found on carpeting in a small office located steps from the former Mobile County circuit judge's courtroom, according to a state forensics report - More HERE
If the BBC report is right, It looks like the NAACP is on the wrong side of the law. It won't be the first time.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Blog Action Day, Climate Change and Black Folks

Ok, today is Blog Action Day - 2009. I love that fact that nearly 5,000 blogs have already signed up for Blog Action Day 2009. I promised to do a blog about the whole issue of climate change and black folks. I started researching the fact that in the United States, there are serious climate issues that need to be addressed, and these problems disproportionately affect African-Americans and lower-income communities.
Get this, from poor air quality to illegal waste dumping, black communities around the country have suffered the most from environmental pollution. There is more, last year the Commission to Engage African-Americans on Climate Change (CEAC) put out a background paper, Global Warming and African Americans. As the blog noted, the report contains statistics that should alarm all Americans.
There is more, according to the survey, "temperature increases are expected to be more extreme in urban areas, where blacks are more than twice as likely to live than whites." Furthermore, because black urban dwellers are less likely to have air conditioning in their homes, the heat-related mortality rate could go up in American inner cities. In addition, African-Americans currently spend an estimated 25 percent of their income on basic necessities like food, water and energy - much more than most Americans. More HERE
Bloggers from the African American Environmentalist Association along with the Congressional Black Caucus have detailed the unequal burden of climate change and the African American community.
According to Reuters, black Americans are more than twice as likely to live in cities. Black Americans are also more likely to suffer from the high costs of fuel making them "fuel poor" as the demand for energy in the economy increases. Combined with the urban heat island effectair pollution and smog, the result is communities of people gathering to join in the fight against global warming. - H/T Rachelle Oblack at has been tracking the political issues, and notes:
and increased
The Commission to Engage African Americans on Climate Change (CEAC) has been created to bring light to the unique issues faced by African American communities caused by climate change issues. House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn released the following statement:
“America's energy policy can either be reactive and arcane, or it can be proactive and visionary. Everyday in Congress we are fighting for policies that will end our dependence on foreign oil, enhance our national security, protect our environment, create new economies, and provide better options to those who suffer disproportionately from rising energy costs. The debate over climate change policy will impact all of these goals and it is critical that our community be an active part of this debate. I am honored to participate in the launch of the Commission to Engage African Americans on Climate Change and commend the leaders of the Commission for having the vision to bring this diverse group of experts together to broaden the reach of the African American community. I look forward to working with the Commission as Congress continues to tackle critical energy and climate change issues.”In prior surveys, climate change has never been mentioned as a top problem by any black respondents.
Good News, according to the website urban mecca a majority of African Americans want to minimize the impacts of climate change
October 2009A majority of African Americans believe climate change is a growing problem that both government and individuals should take action on now to mitigate the potential impacts, according to the results of a national poll conducted by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, a research and policy institution in Washington, DC.
The survey of 750 African American adults found that more than half of respondents identified the issue as a “major problem,” with 58 percent giving that response when it was described as “global warming” and 52 percent reacting that way when the term “climate change” was used. Only about ten percent in each group said global warming or climate change is not a problem.
A large majority of respondents said that government and individuals can do things to reduce global warming. About a third believe federal and state government can do a lot to mitigate the problem, while some three-quarters believe government can at least do something. A majority of African Americans express support for the cap-and-trade legislation passed earlier this year by the U.S. House of Representatives, and a large majority said they would be even more supportive with strong provisions for green jobs and incentives to buy more energy efficient cars and improve the energy efficiency of their homes.The poll was the second that the Joint Center has conducted to determine African American views on climate change. The previous survey, released in July 2008, also found a majority of African Americans defining climate change as a problem that government must address.
A key finding in this year’s survey is that 26 percent of African Americans think they — and others like them — can do a lot to reduce global warming, and an additional 44 percent believe they can take at least some measures to combat the problem. The survey results indicate that a majority of them recycle and purchase energy saving appliances and light bulbs, while nearly half of them purchased products in the last year that were better for the environment even though the products were more costly than similar non-environmentally friendly items.
“While African Americans are underrepresented in the public debates on climate change and environmental issues generally, they are as aware of these issues as other groups in American society, and committed to action — both personal and governmental — to deal with the problems associated with climate change,” said Ralph B. Everett, President and CEO of the Joint Center. More HERE
I'm glad to be part of this Blog Action Day, I salute the people who have coordinated this effort to get bloggers to blog in unison about this particular issue. I hope more afrospear members will join in next year.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tasered at a Waffle House
Two Gwinnett County police sergeants have resigned and Cpl. Gary Miles has been arrested after Miles allegedly used a Taser on a Waffle House waiter as a joke. The sergeants reportedly saw the incident and did not report it. The department is investigating claims a fourth officer pointed a Taser...As reported
African Americans should not call themselves African American, or move out of the country if they choose to do so.
An opinion letter published by the Paris News shines more negative light on a controversial small Texas town.
Paris, Texas, as reported by – A recent opinion letter published by a local newspaper has angered some residents of the town of Paris, Texas. In a letter to the editor of The Paris News regarding the current U.S. president, James Atkinson made an assertion that African Americans should not call themselves African American, or move out of the country if they choose to do so.
Atkinson is quoted in his letter, which was published on Oct. 12, as stating, “Just for the record, I’ve been here for 58 years and as of now I’ve yet to see a real Afro-American; the Blacks who were born here in the United States are Black Americans. If you want the title of Black African-American, you will have to move back to Africa. End of story.”
Paris resident Dorothy Lyons expressed disbelief that the town’s major news source would publish a letter she deems highly offensive to African Americans, regardless of it being placed in the opinion section. Lyons states, “This is an example of why we have been in the news so much about race problems here.” Lyons further notes, “What is the point of his letter? What about it would make them say this is something that everyone needs to read. If the KKK sent in a letter calling us all the n-word, would they publish that too?”
Paris, Texas is not new to controversy regarding race matters. Several individuals gathered for a protest in July regarding what many claimed was an inadequate investigation into the death of a 24 year-old black man, who some say was dragged by members of a white supremacist group. The case remains unsolved. More HERE
Meanwhile, Lloyd Marcus is a black conservative activist, national spokesperson, entertainer and singer/songwriter of the "American Tea Party Anthem". Marcus announced publicly at a tea party that he will not refer to himself as an African American. "In this current climate of heighten racial tensions, rejecting hyphenating and simply calling myself an American is a step in the right direction towards my goal of uniting all Americans" says Marcus.
Marcus is internationally known for his columns, music recordings and participation performing on political tours including the hugely successful Tea Party Express tour.
Marcus says he is not alone in his opposition to Americans hyphenating. It began in March 2009 at a Tea Party in Orlando Florida. Before performing his original song, "American Tea Party Anthem", Marcus addressed the audience. "I am NOT an African American. I am Lloyd Marcus...AMERICAN!" To Marcus' surprise, the audience of 6,000 erupted with applause. More HERE
AAPP: So what should black folks call themselves, was the newspaper in Paris, Texas right or wrong for publishing the opinion piece?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Miss Nappturality, Black Hair, Going Natural
Check out Miss Nappturality. America's Next Natural Model is an online competition.
America's Next Natural Model 09
Now that Chris Rock has shown us one part of Black women's hair care in his film Good Hair, America can watch how the other part is styling their hair in a pageant called America's Next Natural Model organized by
Each of the ten participating beauties is proud to show their natural texture to the fullest and proof that African hair can be extremely beautiful without hazardous chemicals, extensions or weaves.
The successful pageant is in its second year. Last year's winner, Tiana Tamara Townsel is today's Miss Black Washington.
America's Next Natural Model is an online competition with judges but users have a final say in who becomes gets the title by voting and leaving comments in a social networking environment. It's American Idol meets America's Next Top Model on the web at
The competition starts on November 2nd and runs until December 28. For more information visit or email
Political Blogs Join Blog Action Day

Get this, nearly 5,000 blogs have already signed up for Blog Action Day 2009.
If you looked at one blog every five seconds, it would take take over six hours to get through all the participants!
Here, in alphabetical order, is a sampling of 21 excellent political blogs (including this pundit) who are participating in this year’s global discussion of climate change on October 15.
Can you figure out how many languages and countries they represent?
- African American Political Pundit Blog
- Alleba Politics
- Blog do Governo de Minas Gerais
- Ecopolity
- French Politics
- Government Jobs India – Sarkari Naukri
- Marketing PolÃtico
- Observatori de ciberpolÃtica
- PathWays PA Policy Blog
- PolicyMatters
- Polis Journeys
- Politekon Peru
- politicaenlaescuela
- Political Friends
- Politician’s Wife
- Politics Too Early In The Morning
- RealPolitik
- Retro*Politics
- Why City Government Matters
Visit all of these amazing blogs (including my own) and discover some of the fine people behind Blog Action Day! And then go sign yourself up and spread the word …
More HEREMonday, October 12, 2009
The Congressional Black Caucus - The beginning of the end ?

Rep. Charles Rangel
Well according to the Huffington post, Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) will face a 2010 primary challenge from one of his own former campaign directors. Get this, Vince Morgan, a New York banker who once worked for Rangel as a special assistant and subsequently as a campaign director, announced Monday that he would challenge Rangel for reelection.
Morgan's announcement comes after months of ethical scrutiny surrounding Rangel in regard to his alleged failure to have paid certain taxes and disclose some income on congressional filings.
Get this, as reported by The Washington Post, Mr. Rangel's amended financial disclosure form, which exposes omissions from his 2002 through 2006 records, is a treasure trove of outrage. He neglected to report a checking account with the Congressional Federal Credit Union and one with Merrill Lynch, each valued between $250,000 and $500,000; the tens of thousands of dollars he's earning from dividends from a number of mutual funds and stocks; and the money made from the sale of a Harlem townhouse. As a result, Mr. Rangel's reported net worth doubled, from between $516,015 and $1,316,000 to between $1,028,024 and $2,495,000.
Get this, even more --- Politico reports: Some of the progressives who helped put Nancy PelosiHarry Reid in power are demanding that they come down hard on House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel and any Senate committee chairmen who stray from the flock on health care reform.
Don’t hold your breath.
While three Democratic insiders say leaders have privately discussed the possibility of ousting Rangel or asking him to step aside, there has been no move to approach the New York Democrat — and aides to Pelosi have made it clear that she won’t do anything about him until the House Ethics Committee finishes its probe.
That doesn’t sit well with Markos Moulitsas and Arianna Huffington, two stars of the liberal blogosphere who’ve joined House Republicans in calling for Rangel’s ouster. Read more HERE
Rangel has represented Harlem in Congress since 1971, during which time he has risen to become chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee. Rangel has won his district — currently New York's 15th — overwhelmingly during the past few election cycles, having received only token Republican opposition. Read more HERE
AAPP: I hope that there will be more people coming out of the woodwork to challenge the Congressional Black Caucus in each of their congressional districts. I like Vince Morgan's background, like me, he was raised by a single mother in urban community. His was Chicago's tough Bronzeville community, mine was the tough neighborhoods of Brooklyn, NY (where I was born) and Roxbury, MA (where I was raised). Like Vince, I too almost became a statistic when I dropped out of high school at age 16. Like Vince with the support of concerned adults and my own determination, I succeeded in turning his life around. He obtained his GED; as I but he attended Howard University while I attended the University of Massachusetts and Harvard University. Like him I graduated with a bachelor's degree at a public university and earned a Master’s degree.
He is a banker, I'm a blogger and blogtalkradio host. I'm glad that Vince's personal experience fuels his dedication to community and the young people who represent our future. I salute him and wish him well.
I agree with fellow Afrospear blogger Villager at the blog Electronic Village: Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) Should Resign.
It's time for change.
It's time for a political revolution with black voters. Black voters must hold black political leadership in America accountable.
It's time to throw the bum's out!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Pam Spaulding, Blogger and Afrospear Member
Don't forget to vote for Pam. Must Click Link: HERE

Source: Huffington Post.
Current Status: Exposing hatred and ignorance from a laptop in North Carolina
Changing The Game By: Using her home computer -- along with an outsider’s passion and perspective -- to expose the hypocrisy and hatred that fuels homophobia and racism. No ordinary voice in the gay political blogosphere, Spaulding, a black lesbian, lives in Durham, North Carolina. Her blog, Pam’s House Blend, catalogs in detail the anti-gay words and actions of the media, politicians and clergy. Her compass isn’t partisan; it’s aligned with what she thinks is right and wrong, which is why she’s paying close attention to whether Obama will become the inclusive president he claimed he would be. “Words are just words,” she says. “They must become actions. Everyone will be closely watching.”
Earning Their Respect: Pam’s House Blend was one of the first blogs to acquire press credentials to last year's Democratic National Convention.
Must Click Link: HERE
Read more HERE