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Saturday, September 26, 2009
Constructive feedbacks - Negative Feedback
Hat Tip to BrotherPeace Maker who has deleted another of "constructive feedback's" negative and ignorant post. This guy with the pen name "constructive feedback." and should call himself the ignorant black blogger, with his silly blog, microscope on black / left-wing bias in the web 2.0 and his silly attempt at blogging against black progressive thought.
Get this, on his side bar of his sidebar he writes: The Offending Blogs That Provide My Best Material:
We Are Respectable (Leftist) Negroes
BET Uncut's Pole Dancing Strip Joint
Nearly All of the Afro-Spear Affiliated Sites
The Authorities Electrocuted Me Because I Am Black
Subrealism (My Friend Cnulan)
Jack & Jill Politics (The Rikyrah & CLP Show)
Field-Negro (Black Death In Philly)
Hmmm, sounds like blogger Constructive Feedback is just another one of those black "haters."
I would say, “Constructive Feedback, You Ignorant &*$#!” – but that would be to kind.
OK, back to blogging about more relevant issues impacting our communities....
Get this, on his side bar of his sidebar he writes: The Offending Blogs That Provide My Best Material:
We Are Respectable (Leftist) Negroes
BET Uncut's Pole Dancing Strip Joint
Nearly All of the Afro-Spear Affiliated Sites
The Authorities Electrocuted Me Because I Am Black
Subrealism (My Friend Cnulan)
Jack & Jill Politics (The Rikyrah & CLP Show)
Field-Negro (Black Death In Philly)
Hmmm, sounds like blogger Constructive Feedback is just another one of those black "haters."
I would say, “Constructive Feedback, You Ignorant &*$#!” – but that would be to kind.
OK, back to blogging about more relevant issues impacting our communities....
Monday, September 21, 2009
Police taser unarmed, legless black man in a wheelchair
Yes, you read it right! California police in Merced California have used a taser on unarmed, leggless black man in wheelchair.
The Huffington Post, The Raw Story, News One and other news outlets and bloggers are reporting on the Tasing of a black male amputee in wheelchair by 2 white officers. Victor A Patton of the Mercedes Sun Star reports that the man who was Tasered, Gregory Williams, 40, a double-leg amputee, spent six days in jail on suspicion of domestic violence and resisting arrest, but the Merced County District Attorney's office hasn't filed any charges. Watch the video of his tasering/arrest HERE

Photo Source: Lisa Jane Merced Sun Star
Williams is black, and the two main arresting officers are white, but it's unknown whether race played any role in the incident.
Williams, who was released from jail on Friday, said he was manhandled and Tasered by police, even though he said he was never physically aggressive toward the officers and didn't resist arrest.
Williams said he was humiliated after his pants fell down during the incident. The officers allegedly left him outdoors in broad daylight, handcuffed on the pavement, nude below the waist. Williams said the Sept. 11 arrest also left him with an injured shoulder, limiting his mobility in his wheelchair.
A handful of residents in Williams' apartment complex said they witnessed the incident and supported Williams' charges. A short video clip, shot by a neighbor and obtained by the Sun-Star, shows Williams sitting on the pavement with his pants down, his hands cuffed behind his back.
A Merced police report, written by the responding officers, says that police tried to reason with Williams before the arrest, to no avail. The officers wrote that Williams was uncooperative and refused to turn his 2-year-old daughter over to Merced County Child Protective Services, among other allegations.
In the report, police also say a hostile crowd gathered as the officers tried to perform their duties.
The Merced Police Department spokesman declined to comment on the matter, saying he can't discuss it because the investigation is internal. Both the officers remain on duty. Read the excellent report on how this all happened HERE
Tasered While Black publisher says: "Let's see if President Barack Obama says anything about this! Our president was quick to support the black elite from police abuse, lets see if he is as quick to denounce this situation. by-the-way who is running the Civil Rights division at the justice department? It time for the U.S. Justice department to take the gloves off and stop the continued pre-trial electrocution of black folks in America." Many black Americans are wondering if this is an attack on blacks who are handicapped?
How many times are are black Americans going to allow our people to get shot 12 times in the back or be shot face down on the ground?
We are glad that the NAACP has finally found its voice regarding the fight against tasers abuse.
Black Bloggers have called for 'Congressional Taser Torture Hearings. There are many bloggers who are concerned about the growing taser-happy police state we find ourselves in. It's great to know that some cities are saying 'No' to Taser Guns. Let's get the congressional hearings going.
We are glad that the NAACP has finally found its voice regarding the fight against tasers abuse.
Black Bloggers have called for 'Congressional Taser Torture Hearings. There are many bloggers who are concerned about the growing taser-happy police state we find ourselves in. It's great to know that some cities are saying 'No' to Taser Guns. Let's get the congressional hearings going.
It would be great if you would sign the petition calling for Congressional Hearing on Taser use in our country.
Thank You,
Tasered While Black (TWB Publisher)
Check out these blogs, as they follow the tasering issue as well.
Villager at Electronic Village
Pam's House Blend:: Taser abuse: how many have to die before ...
Tuesday Afternoon in the Blogosphere
Tuesday Afternoon in the Blogosphere
Remember the neighbourhood constable knocking on your door if your ...
The Tasering of Brian Cardall Brings Out More Info On Tasering
The Tasering of Brian Cardall Brings Out More Info On Tasering and ...
Another black man killed By TASERING
Taser torture in America - Body Count 20 for 2009... So far
Tuesday Afternoon in the Blogosphere
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Will color aroused hate destroy America?
This has been a hell of a 9 Month ride for Black America. Now everyone is talking about race in America. CNN is talking about Race and politics in the age of Obama While Youtube is off the chain with reports on color arousal or what some people term, race matters.
"In a report entitled, “The Second Wave: Return of the Militias” published by the SPLC last month, federal law enforcement officials are quoted as saying that the threat of right-wing, violent extremism is not as serious as it was during the Oklahoma City bombing, “But this is the most significant growth we’ve seen in 10 to 12 years. All it’s lacking is a spark. I think it’s only a matter of time before you see threats and violence.” The official could not speak publicly about this terrorist threat.
Take for example the South Carolina bigot Joe Wilson a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, who also fought efforts to remove the Confederate battle flag from South Carolina's statehouse. Rep. Hank Johnson was right when he commented that, without a House resolution rebuking bigot Joe Wilson, America would see "folks putting on white hoods and white uniforms again, and riding through the countryside intimidating people."
Yes, Wilson's shout reopened South Carolina's racial wounds and the wounds of a nation.
So, do you think color aroused hate will destroy America? We plan to talk about this and other political issues of the day, join us or listen to the discussion, tonight on Afican American Political Pundits' "Political Slugfest Show." If you can handle the truth!
"In a report entitled, “The Second Wave: Return of the Militias” published by the SPLC last month, federal law enforcement officials are quoted as saying that the threat of right-wing, violent extremism is not as serious as it was during the Oklahoma City bombing, “But this is the most significant growth we’ve seen in 10 to 12 years. All it’s lacking is a spark. I think it’s only a matter of time before you see threats and violence.” The official could not speak publicly about this terrorist threat.
While the United States is gaining momentum in public diplomacy abroad and reasserting itself as a credible force for peacemaking in the Middle East, the nation must deal with the increasingly hostile and hateful rhetoric that has reared its ugly head in the ongoing health care debate. More HERE
Take for example the South Carolina bigot Joe Wilson a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, who also fought efforts to remove the Confederate battle flag from South Carolina's statehouse. Rep. Hank Johnson was right when he commented that, without a House resolution rebuking bigot Joe Wilson, America would see "folks putting on white hoods and white uniforms again, and riding through the countryside intimidating people."
So, do you think color aroused hate will destroy America? We plan to talk about this and other political issues of the day, join us or listen to the discussion, tonight on Afican American Political Pundits' "Political Slugfest Show." If you can handle the truth!
Who is Cong. Joe Wilson?
By Alton H. Maddox, Jr.
Shame on Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. She was AWOL this past Tuesday. On the other hand, she refused to give former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney a pass for raising questions about 9/11 and, therefore, committing sedition. Congress stripped Congressman Adam Clayton Powell Jr. of his seniority and his chairmanship. He was dropped to the bottom of the congressional totem pole. This erstwhile, powerful member of Congress had to look up to all of his colleagues until Congressman Charles Rangel gave him the boot.Unless you know history, you are unable to understand Rep. Joe Wilson or his motivation for defaming President Barack Hussein Obama on the floor of a joint session of Congress. His mentor was Sen. Strom Thurmond, a leading Dixiecrat and arch-segregationist who had opposed President Harry Truman’s stance on racial integration.
Wilson is from South Carolina and represents its 2nd Congressional District, which includes the white areas of metro Columbia and also extends to Beaufort County, which includes the Gullah culture. Gov. Ben Tillman described Beaufort as the “niggerdom.”
Approximately 30 percent of his constituents are descendants of enslaved Africans. Mexican immigrants are flooding the 2nd District. Wilson sees the handwriting on the wall. During Reconstruction, Robert Elliott represented Beaufort in Congress. History is about to repeat itself. South Carolina, which was the first state to secede from the Union, is still fighting the Civil War. Wilson is a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. This white supremacist group makes the Ku Klux Klan look like the Boy Scouts.
The Confederate flag still flies on public grounds in violation of the 13th Amendment. Although the First Amendment protects the burning of the U. S. flag, it is a crime in South Carolina, punishable by imprisonment, to burn the Confederate flag.
Two of the most racist educational institutions in the nation are located in South Carolina. After the discovery of Denmark Vesey’s plot to liberate enslaved Africans in South Carolina, the Citadel was established to maintain slavery. Vesey had won the lottery.
Even after Blacks were allowed to attend colleges in the Deep South, Bob Jones University continued to ban interracial couples. Loving v. Virginia was of no moment. This university would argue that it was entitled, nonetheless, to tax-exempt status.
Thurgood Marshall chose Briggs v. Elliot as the lead case in the assault on Jim Crow in public schools. White politicians, instead, made Linda Brown the lead case to keep the focus off the South. Brown lived in Kansas.
Blacks in South Carolina had petitioned R. W. Elliot, chairman of a local school board, for a used bus. Elliot replied, “We ain’t got no money to buy a bus for your nigger children. ”When Black parents offered to buy a bus, South Carolina refused to be responsible for its repairs.
Afterwards, the Supreme Court held that Jim Crow education subjected Black children to immeasurable psychological harm. This harm still exists in South Carolina today. Most of the state’s school districts outlawed all children from listening to President Obama’s return to school speech on September
Soon after Wilson defamed President Obama on the floor of Congress, he called him to apologize. The term “apology”is not to be found in Black’s Law Dictionary, however. It should only be used by a person who is facing punishment. So far, Congress has refused to oust Wilson. Apparently, President Obama is unable to appreciate the target-victim dichotomy. On September 9, President Obama was the target of Wilson’s outburst but Congress was the victim. Similarly, a rape victim is prohibited from initiating a criminal prosecution against the rapist.
Congressional rules prohibit rude and insolent conduct aimed towards the president of the United States while he is speaking during a joint session of Congress. It is Congress that can discipline Wilson. Only Congress can accept an apology. If it had not been for the Iroquois Confederacy, Wilson’s defamation of President Obama would have been permissible. This is a routine occurrence in the British Parliament. It can also be found in South Korea, but a political representative will be arrested for it in North Korea.
It was these “wild savages” that taught the white man in North America comity and civility. All of the rules of decorum on the floor of Congress were given to the white man. This also includes the rules of impeachment, which allows for a peaceful challenge to the misuse of executive and judicial authority in Congress. These “wild savages” also gave this country the concept of federalism. On issues that are common to all the people, the country should resemble a fist. Otherwise, separate fingers are permissible. This allows for states’ rights.
White supremacists maintain that Blacks may only enjoy state citizenship and that federal citizenship is limited to whites only. This would allow states to arbitrarily mete out rights to persons of African ancestry. Congress would lack authority to protect Blacks. See Dred Scott.
Education in the United States is mythological. For example, George Washington is not this country’s first president. The country was first ruled by the Articles of Confederation. Some whiteout has removed the first president from the pages of history. Thus, education is based on the original lie of a “white father.”
Its first president was John Hanson, a Moor. When the Iroquois Confederacy noted that the Articles of Confederation were unworkable, the “revisionist fathers” went back to the drawing board and rewrote the “Supreme Law of the Land.”
The missing concept in the Articles of Confederation was “interstate commerce,” which has now been employed to expand not only federal penal laws but also federal civil rights laws. Blacks’ civil rights are based on the interstate commerce clause while whites enjoy the more expansive common law rights.
After the Constitutional Convention of 1789 in Philadelphia, George Washington became the first president under the U.S. Constitution. The United States itself had been established in 1776 while Washington was anchoring himself as the wealthiest landlord in the nation.
Every time there is an amendment to the Constitution, it does not require that that the United States be torn down and a new government be created on this soil. John Hanson was the first president of the United States period. There has only been a change of the governing document.
According to the doctrine of white supremacy, whites were correct in keeping their children away from President Obama on September 8. Out of necessity, President Obama opposes white supremacy. The next generation of white children must grow up on this doctrine to keep the United States in “good hands.”
On March 15, 1965, President Lyndon Johnson told a joint session of Congress that, “what happened in Selma was an American tragedy.” Thus, scores of white members of Congress would have to be removed and replaced with Blacks, Asians, Latinos and Indians. This speech would also pave the way for a Black person in the White House.
There was not a peep from the Dixiecrats, including Sen. Thurmond, who mentored Wilson. They bowed their heads. Wilson’s outburst was unprecedented and it must never happen again. In the meantime, Wilson must take his medicine. Otherwise, there will be an epidemic of political swine flu.
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