Here is
one reason why black men, women and children should not use the word nigger. Remember these photo's if and when you ever use the word again. Check out how whites enjoyed the lynching events. Photos' courtesy of
withoutsanctuary.org Don't forget to purchase the book. Pass this blog page on to someone else.
The lynching of Lige Daniels. Onlookers, including young boys. August 3, 1920, Center, Texas.

The lynching of James Clark, handcuffed. July 11, 1926, Eau Gallie, Florida.
Ink inscription on reverse: "July 8, 1926. Rocky Water Camp Fla." Local newspapers reported that the chief of police and the sheriff were overtaken by a mob while transporting James Clark to trial in Titusville. It was the third lynching of a black man in that region in two months.
The corpses of Ernest Harrison, Sam Reed, and Frank Howard hanging from a rafter in a sawmill, jagged circular blade in lower right hand corner. September 11, 1911, Wickliffe, Kentucky.
AAPP: If your last name is Harrison, Reed or Howard, and you have family from Kentucky, you may want to check if those lynched were family members.

Photos' courtesy of withoutsanctuary.org

And for you old and new school brothers, still using the word.
Lynching of African American male. 1960, McDuffie County, Georgia.
John Richards hanging on a tree, jubilant lynchers, a freshly hewn pine coffin. January 12, 1916, Goldsboro, North Carolina.
The lynching of Rubin Stacy. Onlookers, including four young girls.
July 19, 1935, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

PS, Lynching black was not just for the South.
The lynching of nineteen-year-old Elias Clayton, nineteen-year-old Elmer Jackson, and twenty-year-old Isaac McGhie. June 15, 1920, Duluth, Minnesota.
The lynching of Will James.
Composite photo, Will James portrait in center and three scenes of his lynching. in top right corner the lynching site of Henry Salzner, lynched the same night as Will James. November 11, 1909, Cairo, Illinois
The lynching of Will James.
Lynching scene. Commercial Avenue jammed with spectators below the electrically lit Hustler's Arch. November 11, 1909, Cairo, Illinois.

The lynching of Joseph Richardson, damaged shoeshine stand. September 26, 1913, Leitchfield Kentucky.
African American male standing on buggy, back to the camera, feet shackled, stripped, deep lacerations and wounds. Onlookers, one with a bloodstained shirt. Circa 1900, location unknown.

We cannot allow America to keep our black men who were killed by America faceless. Look at this man, he was a man, son, probably a husband, probably a father, a man loved. Look at his picture. This is just one of the reasons we should stop using the N word.
Let's not forget. Americans did not only lynch black men. Black women and children were lynched as well.
The barefoot corpse of Laura Nelson. May 25, 1911, Okemah, Oklahoma.
Don't forget to watch The Noose: An American Nightmare: The noose, a symbol of hatred from America’s dark past, has resurfaced. Why is it back? CNN’s Kyra Phillips investigates the shocking history of the noose and its re-emergence across the United States. Watch Thursday, November 1, at 8 p.m. ET. "Never Should We Forget" our own history in America!
For those who say, lynching was our past. I say, read the news, read Blogs, and watch watch CNN's The Noose. I also say, like Jews in America, and across the world with the holocaust, "Never Should Blacks Forget."