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Saturday, September 15, 2007

John Edwards Exposed?

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African American Internet, Social and Political Activist Francis L. Holland has a powerful post on his Francis L. Holland Blog. Here is just part of what Francis Hollands has to say about John Edwards calling Obama the "Kumbaya" candidate, while Edwards' staff discriminates against black bloggers

One of the reasons that many Black bloggers refuse to participate in the whitosphere is "bloglist apartheid." Many pseudo-progressive whitosphere bloggers simply refuse to link to any Black blogs in their bloglists. Although not universal in the whitosphere, some white bloggers' bloglists evince a clear policy of pretending that Black-operated blogs ("Black self-determination blogs") don't exist at all.

Tracy Joan says she "works" on behalf of John Edwards at DailyKos. Look at her bloglist. Because I'm no expert on whitosphere blogs, I cannot say with utter certainty that none of the blogs on her bloglist is Black owned and operated. I likewise cannot assert with utter certainly that none of the blogs on her bloglist is owned and operated by Latinos.

However, I am a member of the AfroSpear, the largest national group of Black bloggers, born in March and now with over sixty Black blog members from across the United States and in five countries and three continents. I can say with utter certainly that none of the blogs on Tracy Joan's bloglist are member of the AfroSpear.

I have also reviewed the bloglists of all sixteen of the blogs on Tracy Joan´s bloglist. Among all of the blogs on the bloglists of those sixteen blogs - literally hundreds of blogs - I can only find one blog that I know with certainty is a owned and operated by a Black person. This tendency toward bloglist apartheid obviously puts John Edwards at a distinct disadvantage as he tries to reach out to Black voters.

The 96% white CIA-sponsored(?) MAMZosphere, that practices blog apartheid and bloglist apartheid, is supporting John Edwards for the presidency. That's a blog-apartheid sponsored endorsement that will be heard loudly and clearly in the Afrosphere and in Black Democratic neighborhoods throughout America.

This tendency to ignore and reject Blacks (even while claiming that poor people are the focus of his campaign) explains why John Edwards has been unable to gain significant support among Black people. Recognizing this, Edwards seems to have a new strategy: emphasizing that he is the only white man among the top three candidates. The following is excerpted from a diary posted at the John Edwards website: Read More HERE

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