City Councilor Chuck Turner has said for months that voters would look past his federal indictment and grant him another term, and last week the five-term Roxbury councilor got his vindication: a 20-point blowout over challenger Carlos “Tony’’ Henriquez.

Chuck Turner
But that is OK to some, because Felix Arroyo’s decisive victory in last week’s at-large city councilor race provided at least one Latino on the City Council. Read More at The Bay State Banner.

City Councilors Chuck Turner (left) and Charles Yancey (center) celebrate Felix Arroyo’s (third from left) decisive victory in last week’s at-large city councilor race. The three also expressed their gratitude to voters while standing in Grove Hall last week. (Photo courtesy of Charles Yancey) More HERE
AAPP says: I guess my Hometown of Roxbury, MA forgot these pictures.

They also forgot about the 12-page affidavit filed in US District Court alleges that Turner was surreptitiously videotaped accepting the cash in his district office on Aug. 3, 2007, in exchange for pushing for a liquor license for the Roxbury nightclub Dejavu. Included with the affidavit are two photographs of Turner allegedly accepting the bribe. As reported by the Boston Globe, In one image, Turner's trademark white goatee is clearly visible as folded green bills are pressed into his hand.
But, hey voters in New Orleans forgot about Dollar Bill Jefferson who was finally Convicted.
UPDATE: Jefferson gets 13 years in prison