The ghost of the old George Wallace
The extreme (supreme) courts colorblind ruling can’t see the truth. Clearly the Extreme (supreme) court is involved in color-arousal or what is termed by many as institutional Racism. Yes the Extreme Courts segregationist approach to matters of race has taken us backwards after 50 years.
Whereas the US Supreme Court, in its decision in Parents Involved In Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1 et al has overruled and eviscerated its previous decision in Brown v. Board of Education that nominally ended America’s “separate but equal” apartheid doctrine under which Black children were routinely educated separately and unequally, and
Whereas even before this most recent decision, Harvard University researchers and others determined that, “After greatly increasing desegregation of public schools a generation ago, the United States public education system is now steadily consolidating a trend toward racial resegregation . . .” New National Study Finds Increasing School Segregation

OK, Now that the Extreme Court has decided to send us back over 50 years. What should black folks do?