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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Black Voter's are seeing through Hillary Clinton

Well, Well, It's not Just black bloggers like Jack and Jill Politics who are seeing Hillary and Bill Clinton's use of the race card in this year's Presidential election campaigning. Check out the Washington Post article on the Racial undercurrent in the Clinton Campaign.

Candidly, I feel she and her husband have been playing the race card for too long!

She even thinks she can talk like a black woman!

Soon Hillary will come into a meeting of black women looking like this:


Candidly, I have not been been surprised or shocked with the Clinton racial undercurrent or just pure color arousal (racism). I posted on how Hillary is creating web sites to paint Obama as "cowardly." last week. Although one writer at WaPo believes:

"It has unfolded mostly under the radar. But an important development in the 2008 Democratic battle may be the building backlash among African Americans over comments from associates of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton that could be construed as jabs at Sen. Barack Obama's race.

These officials, including Clinton aides and prominent surrogates, have raised questions or dropped references about Obama's position on sentencing guidelines for crack vs. powder cocaine offenses; on his handgun control record; and on his admitted use of drugs as a youth. The context was always Obama's "electability." But the Illinois senator's campaign advisers said some African American leaders detect a pattern, and they believe it could erode Clinton's strong base of black support." Read More HERE

I always knew Clinton would use Obama's position on sentencing guidelines against him. I said so in a recent response to a great post by Hillary Clinton coming out AGAINST Retroactivity for Drug Sentencing. - part of, what Rikyrah identifies as a "Southern Strategy."

Black Voter's are seeing through Hillary Clinton

I guess black folks will be voting differently!

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