One of the reasons Barack Obama will win South Carolina is because much of the state is still seriously Redneck. Oh, you think I'm kidding.
Check out the article Courting South Carolina’s Black Vote
Edith Childs has never liked her community's silent segregation. Greenwood, a racially mixed town of 30,000 people tucked amid the rolling cow pastures of western South Carolina, has admittedly come a long way since the Jim Crow era Childs grew up in. But Greenwood still has two American Legion posts — one favored by white veterans and one by blacks — and its downtown war memorial still lists the local World War I and II dead under the headings of "white" or "colored." Much of the town's social life, says Childs, 59, is similarly divided. "Black and white just don't do enough together here," she laments.
Which is a big reason why Childs, a black Greenwood County councilwoman, says she is so ardently supporting Barack Obama in South Carolina's Democratic primary on January 26, a contest that is often heavily influenced by the black vote — which makes up about half of the state's registered Democrats. When she met the Illinois Senator last spring at a black political caucus, "there was something about him I'd not seen in any politician, ever. Not just his enthusiasm, or that he was so sincere. I just saw a kind of hope that all people can relate to, not just black people. I saw in him the want for all people to come together." More HERE
AAPP: Yes, Southern Blacks may be split on Clinton vs. Obama but there is something deeper going on, that the New York Times, along with Bill and Hillary Clinton just don't get it! Maybe Bill and Hillary Clinton need to chill out.