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Saturday, February 14, 2009

A $787 billion stimulus package - Is It A Early Victory For Black Folks?

As reported by The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, USA Today, Reuters and other newspapers, magazines, journals, black political bloggers blogs and news outlets from around the world have noted that The United States Congress yesterday approved a $787 billion stimulus package that aims to spur millions of jobs through massive new investments in energy, transportation, education and health-care projects, while reviving social safety-net programs that have been shrinking for nearly three decades. More HERE

As reported by WaPo Twenty-four days into his presidency, Barack Obama recorded last night a legislative achievement of the sort that few of his predecessors achieved at any point in their tenure. In size and scope, there is almost nothing in history to rival the economic stimulus legislation that Obama shepherded through Congress in just over three weeks. And the result -- produced largely without Republican participation -- was remarkably similar to the terms Obama's team outlined even before he was inaugurated: a package of tax cuts and spending totaling about $775 billion.

WAPO, The BBC and other news outlets report the Republicans are not happy and the deal may cost relationship with GOP: House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (Ohio) described the stimulus package as a "billion-dollar-a-page" spending plan and accused Democrats of not wanting people to read it "because they might actually find out what's in it. And in the days and weeks and months to come, we'll know how this money will be spent."

Obama aides had predicted several weeks ago that Republican lawmakers from states such as Michigan, Florida and California, where many communities are struggling, would feel compelled to vote for the bill's final passage because of the impact it promised for their constituents. Instead, opposition to the plan only increased over that time.

"This was not an easy vote for me. I had to dig down deep," said Rep. Candice S. MillerMore HERE (R-Mich.). Her conclusion: "Michigan, we are getting railroaded."

AAPP: The fact of the matter is, this $787 billion stimulus plan, won't even put a dent into the problem that America faces. We are losing jobs everyday to China, and no one seems to have a plan to bring them back. The fact is Congress will be back in a few months with another stimulus plan and no is willing to discuss that not even the new President. But then again, maybe the he is telling us.

Did you notice that there was something missing from the Congress' stimulus negotiations: transparency.

Black Folks get the short end regarding the Stimulus Package

The Black Agenda Report noted, Obama's economic stimulus plan is built around "shovel-ready" projects already vetted by the states. That means "Mississippi will be enabled to do more of what Mississippi always does." More HERE

The African American Environmentalist Association notes, "Blacks do not own energy companies because they have been locked out of this capital intensive area. There are some exceptions but, for the most part, African Americans do not own the oil, coal, natural gas, nuclear, pipelines, railroads, trucking, electricity lines or even the wind and solar companies in America." Do you see what I and many others see? The $787 billion stimulus package - Is It A Early Victory For Black Folks? What do you think?

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