Black bloggers, black political analyst and writers continue to question the handling of Shirley Sherrod and the Tea Party by Benjamin Jealous.
I also asked Ben Jealous to come on my highly regarded and popular blocktalkradio program; African American Political Slugfest, to answer some tough questions. Ben Jealous, of course, did not show up.
He and Hilary Shelton the director of the NAACP's Washington bureau and senior vice president for advocacy and policy, would rather kiss the ring of right wing bloggers and Fox, then say they were snookered."
Columnist Earl Ofari Hutchinson is right when he wrote the NAACP Still Hasn´t Atoned for Sherrod Blunder:
"Why was the NAACP snookered? And even after it realized it was conned, has it done enough to atone for its colossal blunder? The answers to both questions aren´t pretty. The group clearly had the tea party on its mind when it made the quick call on Sherrod. It did not want to be yelled at by tea party activists and the rightwing smear machine as hypocrites, for double dealing the race card, and for being soft on alleged black racism.
The NAACP´s knee jerk overreaction and appeasement had everything to do with timing, as it turned out bad timing. It came on the heels of the blowback that the NAACP got for its convention resolution a week earlier blasting racist elements in the tea party. Breitbart made no bones about why he trotted out the lying tape when he did. He said that he wanted to hit back at the NAACP. The NAACP could have easily ignored it, or taken a few moments to check it out, and found it to be the fraud that the world now knows it be. It didn´t and for that it took the deserved heat."
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