Hat Tips to: Michele Norris, Host of NPR's All Thing Considered for information on the event. Also Hat Tip to Citizen Journalist, and afrospear member, Faye Anderson of the blog Anderson@Large for the information link.
Iowa Heartland Presidential Forum is shaping up to be the largest gathering of likely Iowa caucus-goers leading up to Caucus day!
Over 5,000 every-day people will be there - many of whom haven't yet decided which candidate they will support. We'll share our real-life stories, concerns and hopes for the future with the candidates and ask how they intend to stand up for community values.
This is a team effort all the way - over two dozen community-based organizations with a combined membership of over 200,000 Iowans have come together to put on the show! So where are YOU gonna be on December 1st? More HERE