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Friday, September 7, 2007

Is Domestic Violence only Social?

Juanita Bynam SPEAKS OUT!

As I listen to her statement I wondered if domestic violence is not only social, is it as well political and faith related, before and after the act(s)?

Bill Jefferson - Race CARD

File this under: "You Got to be kidding me."

Source: Times-Picayune

WASHINGTON - Accusing the Bush Justice Department of mounting a bogus bribery case and using tainted evidence, attorneys for Rep. William Jefferson, D-New Orleans, asked a federal judge Friday to throw out 14 of the 16 charges against the nine-term congressman and to move the trial on the two remaining counts to Washington, D.C., from northern Virginia.

In hundreds of pages of motions, Jefferson's legal team, led by Washington lawyer Robert Trout, argue that the government choreographed events, including changing the locale of a 2005 meeting in which a government informant gave Jefferson a briefcase with $100,000, to justify bringing the case in a jurisdiction friendlier to the prosecution. The brief said that the government wants to try the case in northern Virginia because the judicial district has a lower percentage of African-Americans than Washington, D.C does, and therefore violates the Constitution's guarantee of equal protection. Jefferson is African-American.

AAPPundit: Jefferson and his legal team must think black folks in Washington are stupid. Why would black folks fall for this "Race Card" garbage!

Jefferson's motions, filed with U.S. District Court Judge T.S. Ellis III, also argue that FBI agents who raided Jefferson's New Orleans home Aug. 3, 2005, rousing him from sleep at 7 a.m., photographed records, including some discovered in the congressman's briefcase and others on a night table, not listed on a court-obtained search warrant. The congressman's attorneys also argue that the Justice Department side-stepped statute of limitations deadlines and evidence problems by lumping some charges under "vague" conspiracy allegations.

But the biggest problem with the government's case, Jefferson's legal team said, is that the thrust of the government's case centers on accusations that Jefferson accepted and solicited bribes. They contend that what Jefferson is accused of doing, including accepting payments to help U.S. firms obtain contracts in Western Africa, doesn't meet the definition of the federal bribery statute.

There was no immediate comment from the Justice Department, which has three weeks to respond to the motions. Some legal experts believe the motions are so voluminous they could delay the scheduled Jan. 16 start for the trial.

Quoting from a 1999 Supreme Court decision, Jefferson's legal team said that to win a bribery conviction, the government must show that a public official accepted something of value in return for an official act. But, they argue, none of Jefferson's alleged actions, including funneling $367,000 from the Kentucky company iGate Inc., to a business owned by the Jefferson family in return for the congressman's help winning contracts in Western Africa, are "official acts" of a member of the House of Representatives.

AAPPundit: Dollar bill Jefferson needs to come up with a better defense than the "Race Card." Black folks are not stupid. What was he doing with $90,000 in his freezer? Just answer that straight forward question? To bad dollar Bill Jefferson is spending time claiming racism Ignoring New Orleans' poor not even addressing the slow recovery and New Orleans resident concerns.

Lynching photo posted in newspaper

1935 lynching of Rubin Stacy in Fort Lauderdale, FL
1935 lynching of Rubin Stacy in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

(NOTE: This may not have been the picture posted)

Source: cyberjournalist.net

Lynching photo posted in newspaper reader comments area

The Telegraph Herald in Iowa closed reader comments this weekend after a reader posted a photo of a lynched black man in the comments section of an article about the stabbing death of a white man, allegedly at the hands of a black man.

Continue reading "Lynching photo posted in newspaper reader comments area" ...

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Campaign 2008

Source: cyberjournalist

washingtonpost.com launches 'Issue Coverage Tracker' for campaign ‘08

washingtonpost.com has released a cool new “Issue Coverage Tracker,” an application that compares the volume of press coverage between candidates and the major issues of the 2008 presidential race.

The “Issue Coverage Tracker” is part of a new initiative to offer innovative, portable applications that allow people to take washingtonpost.com journalism and databases off the site itself and embed on their own websites or on social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace. Among the others that are coming soon is an “Election Tracker,” which pulls campaign information from washingtonpost.com events, financial and news databases. Other washingtonpost.com political applications include “Iraq Strategy” “White House Watch” and Chris Cillizza’s “The Fix.”

You can see the full issue tracker here. More HERE


AAPPundit says: Great discussion on NPR this week. Check out:

News & Notes, September 5, 2007 · Farai Chideya and a panel of bloggers are breaking down why the FBI surveiled Coretta Scott King, Ireland's opening of an all-black school, and what's on Congress' plate as it returns from summer recess.

Joining her are Brandon Whitney, who writes the blog Homeland Colors; Shay Riley of the blog Booker Rising; and Earl Dunovant, who runs the Websites Prometheus 6.

Black Weblog Awards Winners Announced

After 7,000+ nominations and 1800+ votes for our 91 finalists, here are the winners of the 2007 Black Weblog Awards.

The Winners have been announced!

Congratulations to all the winners!

The winners are listed below:

Best Blog Community
Popular Vote:
Young, Black and Fabulous
Judges’ Vote:

Best Blog Design
Popular Vote: Young, Black and Fabulous
Judges’ Vote: Clutch Magazine

Best Blog Post or Blog Post Series
Popular Vote: “Who Killed Hip-Hop? On Some JFK Shit…”
Judges’ Vote:
“What About Our Daughters Wins Battle!!!”

Best Business Blog
Popular Vote: Black In Business
Judges’ Vote: Black In Business

Best Celebrity Blog
Popular Vote: Tyra Banks
Judges’ Vote: ?uestlove

Best Culture Blog
Popular Vote: Young, Black and Fabulous
Judges’ Vote: Afrobella

Best Faith-Based Blog
Popular Vote: Are You There God? It’s Me, Dawn
Judges’ Vote: The Infidel Guy Show

Best Fictional Blog
Popular Vote: Fake Janice Combs
Judges’ Vote: Life and Times of Ata Nafia…a (not) true story

Best Food Blog
Popular Vote: A Lot About Nothing
Judges’ Vote: TriniGourmet.com

Best Gossip Blog
Popular Vote: Young, Black and Fabulous
Judges’ Vote: Young, Black and Fabulous

Best Group Blog
Popular Vote: Concrete Loop
Judges’ Vote: Racialicious

Best Hip-Hop Blog
Popular Vote: Real Talk NY
Judges’ Vote:
The Smoking Section

Best Humor Blog
Popular Vote: Crunk & Disorderly
Judges’ Vote: Funky Brown Chick

Best International Blog
Popular Vote: Black Women in Europe
Judges’ Vote: Black Women in Europe

Best LGBT Blog
Popular Vote: Keith Boykin
Judges’ Vote:
Keith Boykin

Best Music Blog
Popular Vote: Real Talk NY
Judges’ Vote: HoneySoul.com

Best New Blog
Popular Vote: Blogxilla.com
Judges’ Vote: Stereohyped

Best Niche Blog
Popular Vote: Afrobella
Judges’ Vote: Fly

Best Personal Blog
Popular Vote: The Beautiful Struggler
Judges’ Vote: InTheLifeOf.org

Best Photo Blog
Popular Vote: The D-Nice Journal
Judges’ Vote: Alakija.com | photoblog

Best Podcast
Popular Vote: HoodHype
Judges’ Vote:
Friday Favecast

Best Political/News Blog
Popular Vote: The Field Negro
Judges’ Vote: Jack and Jill Politics

Best Science/Technology Blog
Popular Vote: Nerd With Swag
Judges’ Vote: Tiffany B. Brown

Best Sports/Recreation Blog
Popular Vote: The Starting Five
Judges’ Vote: The Starting Five

Best Teen Blog
Popular Vote: My Teenage Years
Judges’ Vote: Queer Kid of Color

Best Video Blog
Popular Vote: Love B. Scott
Judges’ Vote: Ill Doctrine

Best Writing in a Blog
Popular Vote: Young, Black and Fabulous
Judges’ Vote: Blackprof.com

Black Blogger Achievement Award
Popular Vote: Keith Boykin
Judges’ Vote: Baratunde Thurston

Blog of the Year
Popular Vote: Young, Black and Fabulous
Judges’ Vote: What About Our Daughters?

Blog to Watch
Popular Vote: Real Talk NY
Judges’ Vote: AverageBro

Make a comment Here and HERE

Here are a few comments from NPR's Web producer Geoffrey Bennett on Honoring the Best Black Blogs

Listen to this story...

News & Notes, September 5, 2007 · The 2007 Black Weblog Awards are being handed out, and News & Notes Web producer Geoffrey Bennett weighs in on that and the stories that are making the rounds on the show's blog, "News & Views."

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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Jena 6 - George Cooke Interview with Alan Bean

Hat Tip: George Cooke at www.letstalkhonestly.com

Hanging tree chopped down

By George Cooke

Listen to hear my interview with Alan Bean of Friends Of Justice a man who was in the court room during the "trial" to learn more about the case and his groups involvement in it. At the bottom of the page are links to documents with more information.


Alan Bean

Documents & Web sites & email addresses

Learn more about the case from documents sent to me by Alan Bean, the founder of "Friends of Justice" a group dedicated to making sure all people are given a fair trial. You can read the documents by clicking the links below:

For more discussion and opinion Visit and join your new link to African American Opinion and Social Networking on the web

Jena 6 - UPDATE

Trouble in Jena

Hat Tips: By Howard Witt, Chicago Tribune senior correspondent
Francis L. Holland for the links

Racial demons rear heads

The trouble in Jena started with the nooses. Then it rumbled along the town's jagged racial fault lines. Finally, it exploded into months of violence between blacks and whites.

Charge reduced in 'Jena 6' case

The district attorney prosecuting a racially charged beating case in the small Louisiana town of Jena abruptly reduced attempted-murder charges Monday against a black high school student accused of attacking a white student, drawing cautious praise from civil rights leaders who contend the charges were excessive and part of a pattern of uneven justice in the town.

Louisiana teen guilty in school beating case

An all-white jury in the central Louisiana town of Jena swiftly convicted a black teenager Thursday for attacking a white student in an incident that capped months of racial unrest and attracted the scrutiny of civil rights leaders concerned about the application of justice in the town.


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Whoopi Goldberg

Ccomedian Whoopi Goldberg really knows how to put her foot in her mouth. She is drawing rebuke from animal rights activists, after she defended Michael Vick's role in dogfighting during her debut on ABC's talk show "The View."

Here is what Goldberg had to say: "He's from the South, from the Deep South ... This is part of his cultural upbringing" Read More HERE

AAPP: I never liked Whoopi Goldberg except in her role in the movie Ghost and her helping the homeless (which she seems to have dropped after rating went down).

She is not the smartest women around, but I guess she is the smartest on "The View." I do have respect for her ability to get and keep a job in the movie industry.

Damn, Whoopi Goldberg, I didn't know that dog fighting is part of his cultural upbringing for black men in the south. So, is raping ones cousin part of white cultural upbringing in the south? So is that OK, Whoopi?

For more discussion and opinion Visit and join your new link to African American Opinion and Social Networking on the web

Read A Book, Read a MF Book!

Why are so many people hating on a brotha for saying - Read a book? Damn, I know there is a lot of cussing and swearing in the video, but why not give the brotha a little bit of respect for at least begging the question, why are our black children and the many brothas and sisters in jail not reading a book? OK, there are a whole bunch of black folks that don't think that BET should have run the video. I totally agree, It's not a good idea for BET to run it!

Did I like the picture in the video, NO! Should the video be banned - NO!

Should the black
elite Opinion Makers like Jesse Jackson and black radio hosts like Michael Baisden be putting the brotha down for telling folks to reading a MF Book? No!

I agree with bloggers
3BAAS when they wrote, "We found it entertaining, insightful and very true! Our community is in such denial about the state of Black America. While the marketing and execution piece may have been off, the video is completely on point."

Now check this out, even CNN is jumping in the conversation.
Check out the CNN Panel on the "Read A Book" Cartoon.

On a more political note, maybe the President should read a Book.

For more discussion and opinion Visit and join your new link to African American Opinion and Social Networking on the web

Monday, September 3, 2007

Join The African American Opinion and Social Networking Website

Bush needs more money

AAPP: WaPo is reporting on Another "Surprise Photo Op" for Bush. Now let's see what the Democrats, who black people in America seem to love to vote for, do about his request for 50 Billion dollars more for a lost war on Iraq. Maybe we should rewind to about a year ago, when he said the same things that he is saying in Iraq today - this as black folks die in the streets of America.

From Philadelphia to Oakland black folks are suffering through a plague of killings, in Oakland homicides spiked 57 percent last year. People from around the world can see and hear what is going on in Black America. Yet George Bush would rather provide billions of dollars to an Iraq war rather than help Americans fight a crime war going on in our own backyard. But we would be expecting too much of a person who stole 2 elections. Bush says his "unilateral arrogance" made world better off. I guess he is more concerned about his legacy - wealthy boredom. Check out Excerpts From "Dead Certain", a New Book on Bush.

Bush Goes to Anbar- Meets Patraeus

WaPo reports Bush made a surprise visit to this isolated and well fortified air field in Anbar province Monday to meet with top U.S. and Iraqi officials and to showcase what he calls one of the successes of his decision to surge 30,000 additional troops into Iraq.

The WaPo report said, Bush slipped out of a side door of the White House for the furtive trip that was aimed at bolstering his position for not drawing down troops from Iraq. During six hours on the ground here, the president was to meet with Army Gen. David Petreaus and other military commanders and Ryan C. Crocker, the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, before holding a session with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and members of his central government.

Wapo also reports Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, traveled ahead of Bush to the base and was scheduled to take part in some of the meetings, along with other top military officials, including Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Peter Pace and U.S. Middle East commander Adm. William Fallon.

"This will be the last big gathering of the president's advisers and Iraqi leaders before the president makes his decisions on the way forward," said Geoff Morrell, Pentagon spokesperson. "He's assembled his war council, and they are all convening with Iraqi leaders to discuss the way forward."Bush Makes "Surprise" Visit To Iraq. Again. More Hot Air from Bush Yackety Yak Don't Come Back.

Check out what Edwards has to say about the Bush Iraq Visit.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Larry Craig and Blacks

Just when I thought there would be no racial issue to the the Larry Craig case. Well, I found out differently. David Schraub is blogging about the Racial Angle to the Larry Craig Case? Check it out and tell me what you think about his post.

Update: My question to you is this, If it is OK for David Schraub to write blog entries to challenge our thinking? Why is it not OK for an African American blogger like social and political Activist and African American blogger Francis L. Holland to do the same?

Check out the post on The Moderate Voice
By David Schraub

Don't forget to visit African American Opinion - Social Networking Blog

Gays, White Women, White Men and The Black Family

Gays, White Women, White Men, Interracial Dating/Marriage and the Black Family

The Politics of the Black Family. Well the National Black Family Reunion is coming again to the national mall in Washington, DC. The Black Family Reunion Celebration (BFRC) is a two-day cultural event that is recognized as the largest, most significant family event in the nation, attracting more than 500,000 people each year! The 3-day festival celebrates the enduring strengths and traditional values of the African American family.

The BFRC features themed pavilions that showcase African American businesses and organizations. Health, education and economic empowerment are just a few of the pavilions exciting themes. The weekend celebration begins on Friday evening with a VIP Gala Recognition Ceremony and Reception honoring sponsors and volunteers. Saturday features the official Opening Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast and all-day themed pavilions, which showcase celebrities, prominent experts, performing artists and product promotions. Saturday ends with an enchanting evening R&B concert on the National Mall. More HERE

I attend the reunion every year. I see very few whites attending the event. In fact as soon as whites who are on the national mall learn that it's a black family event, they usually move away from the mall itself and go into the Smithsonian events not associated with the Black Family Reunion.

I do notice a few white stragglers, or corporate sponsor types, who do attend the event, but I truly notice a disconnect. I guess The Black Family must not include a whole lot of white folks. Or am I wrong?

During the last Black Family Union I went down with my nephew who just got of of prison, after 8 years for a crime he committed as a juvenile. Get this- he stole a bike and assaulted the young man on the bike, because he had two previous weed drug charges he was given 8 years in jail. Now he is a felon. At the Black Family Reunion they had a voters registration booth, he wanted to register, he can't. He is a felon.

OK, so you say, what does this have to do with Gays, White Women, White Men, Interracial Dating/Marriage and the Black Family.

Well as far as I'm concerned we have a lot of challenges to address within our Black Family, but it seems that not many people are addressing one important group blacks convicted of a felony.

With the up-coming Presidential election, black voters may hold the key to the election. Yer with 13 percent of the black voting block, not able to register and vote, one has to ask, why is the Black Family nor asking Clinton, Obama, Edwards and other Democrats, (and scum bag Republicans who are not hanging out in public bathrooms) what do they plan to do to give felons who have paid their debt to society the right to vote?

But why should I be surprised Black opinion makers asking questions or truly addressing real issues of The Black Family. I guess they have just turned chicken.

What do you think?
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Join The AfroSphere Bloggers Association

Are you an African Diaspora blogger? Well do I have some good news for you!

The AfroSphere Bloggers Association
(ABA) is up and running! African American Political Pundit is a proud member of the group (I have to step up my own personal involvement in the group). It's a great group of people doing great work. The group is organized by a group of concerned African Diaspora bloggers who discuss problems that affect people of African descent, create solutions and action plans to solve those problems, and enact the plans using internet resources. The group is urging bloggers of African descent consider becoming a registered member of the ABA at http://afrospear.jconserv.net or a Friend of ABA on Black Planet at http://groups.blackplanet.com/afrosphereba.

The ABA is also reaching out to those who are not of African descent, by asking interested supporters of the ABA to consider becoming a Friend of the ABA by joining in their Care2.com, Change.org,, Facebook, or Myspace social networking sites at
http://www.care2.com/c2c/group/AfrosphereBA , http://www.change.org/afrosphereba or http://groups.myspace.com/afrosphere / .

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