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Friday, November 2, 2007

NAACP is a disgrace!

Why is the NAACP such punks. They act like they a scared of black folks organizing. Is that not what the NAACP is suppose to be all about, organizing our people? Standing against injustice? So the NAACP both locally and nationally would rather get into a pissing contest with a black lawyers group rather than dealing with Ms. Meagan Williams abuse and her right to justice.

What a punch of morons in leadership at the NAACP. They should all resign. he have no honor. The NAACP proves over and over again that it is a useless organization stuck in the 1950's.

Check out what the headlines are reading around the country and around the world.

NAACP Disavows West Virginia Hate Crime March

Yes from Charleston to South Africa the NAACP is showing the lack of unity in the black community. Check out what the reports are saying. Let us know what you think.

Source: Black America Web

CHARLESTON, W.Va. - (AP) The NAACP said Tuesday it does not support a hate crime awareness march that will raise money for a black woman who says she was tortured by six whites.

Local and national NAACP officials said they disapprove of Saturday's march organizers, a group based in Washington, D.C., called Black Lawyers for Justice that wants hate crime charges brought against the defendants.

Six whites are charged with raping and torturing 20-year-old Megan Williams for days until her Sept. 8 rescue. All could get life prison sentences if convicted, but the prosecutor has not filed hate crime charges, saying they could be difficult to prove.

Williams, her family and black leaders such as the Rev. Al Sharpton plan to participate in the march, which has been endorsed by groups including the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and the National Conference of Black Mayors.

The Rev. Audie Murphy, NAACP branch president for Logan and Boone counties, said his group will continue supporting Williams, "but not within this march." More HERE

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