Hat Tip Celtic Divia
Racial dialogue can be a walk in a mine-field...but it's worth it.
Can you say, "geek paradise?!"
Congratulations CelticDiva for building a team of diverse bloggers who will blog at the Democratic National Convention. CelticDiva reports her team will consist of herself, Writing Raven, Monocot, Kaerick and of course, the only one who DOESN'T have an internet name, her 10-year-old daughter/photographer Morrigan! Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that her daughter will be able to join her on the floor of the Convention Center (Celtic Diva haven't totally given up hope).
As you may all recall, Raven contacted me as the result of a column I wrote for the Anchorage Daily News on race and diversity in the DNCC Blog Pool. Raven's new blog is "Alaska Real" and I believe she's the first Alaska Native blogger who is actually focusing on Alaska Native issues.
She is pleased that she as the Alaska member of the State Blogger Pool will bring a gender and culturally diverse team. More HERE
Here are the stats for the record:
4 female (80%) and 1 male (20%)
3 Caucasian (60%), 1 African American (20%) and 1 Alaska Native (20%)
1 disabled (20%)
Per Alaska's 2006 Census:
- Female population 48.3%
- Black population 3.7%
- American Indian and Alaska Native population 15.4%.
- Persons experiencing a disability 12.4%

Great Job Celtic Diva! I wonder if other state bloggers will follow your lead? I also wonder if the DNCC is tracking the level of diversity developed by state credentialed bloggers. Doubt it. Lets see if someone like Chris Bowers or Matt Stoller or others, will start an effort to actually track diversity within the blogosphere.
On another note, check out the new blog, the AfroSpear in the Whitosphere. This is a blog that catalogues white-owned blogs that acknowledge the existence and vitality of the afrosphere by providing themselves and their readers a way to access mainstream media articles about the AfroSpear. What do you think about the word "whiteosphere" is thee such thing as the "whiteosphere"?
Here is a list of Credentialed Bloggers, 2008 Democratic National Convention
2008 Democratic Convention Watch http://demconwatch.blogspot.com
43rdStateBlues.com http://43rdstateblues.com
AFL-CIO NOW Blog http://blog.aflcio.org
African American Political Pundit http://africanamericanopinion.com
AMERICAblog.com http://americablog.com
Asian American Action Fund Blog http://aaa-fund.com
Badlands Blue http://badlandsblue.com
BAGnewsNotes http://BAGnewsNotes.com
Beliefnet http://beliefnet.com
Bitch Ph.D. http://bitchphd.blogspot.com
Blogger News Network http://bloggernews.net
Blogging For Michigan http://bloggingformichigan.com
BlogHer http://blogher.com
Blue Hampshire http://bluehampshire.com
Blue Indiana http://blueindiana.net
Blue Jersey http://bluejersey.com
Blue Mass. Group http://bluemassgroup.com
BlueGrassRoots http://bluegrassroots.org
BlueNC.com http://bluenc.com
BlueOregon http://blueoregon.com
Buckeye State Blog http://buckeyestateblog.com
Burnt Orange Report http://BurntOrangeReport.com
Calitics http://Calitics.com
Campus Progress http://campusprogress.org
Celtic Diva's Blue Oasis http://divasblueoasis.blogspot.com
Change to Win http://changetowin.org
The Colorado Independent http://coloradoindependent.com
Cotton Mouth Blog http://cottonmouthblog.blogspot.com
CracktheBell.com http://crackthebell.com
Crooks and Liars http://crooksandliars.com
culturekitchen http://culturekitchen.com
Daily Kingfish http://dailykingfish.com
Daily Kos http://dailykos.com
Dallas South Blog http://dallassouthblog.com
DCist.com http://dcist.com
Democracy Arsenal http://democracyarsenal.org
Democracy for New Mexico http://DemocracyForNewMexico.com
Democratic Party of the U.S. Virgin Islands http://groups.yahoo.com/...
Democratic Underground http://democraticunderground.com
Democrats Abroad Argentina http://yanquimike.com.ar
DemoOkie http://DemoOkie.com
Digby's Hullabaloo http://digbysblog.blogspot.com
Disaboom.com http://disaboom.com
Doc's Political Parlor http://politicalparlor.net
DoubleSpeak http://doublespeakshow.com
Eschaton http://atrios.blogspot.com
EverydayCitizen.com http://everydaycitizen.com
Fired Up! http://firedupmissouri.com
Firedoglake http://firedoglake.com
Florida Progressive Coalition http://flaprogressives.org
Future Majority http://futuremajority.com
Georgia Politics Unfiltered http://georgiaunfiltered.blogspot.com
Green Mountain Daily http://greenmountaindaily.com
Grist Magazine http://grist.org/
Group News Blog http://www.groupnewsblog.net
HispanicTips.com http://hispanictips.com
HorsesAss.org http://horsesass.org
HummingbirdMinds Blog http://hummingbirdminds.blogspot.com
iLind.net http://ilind.net
Indianz.com http://indianz.com
Jack and Jill Politics http://jackandjillpolitics.com
Jusiper http://jusiper.blogspot.com
Keystone Politics http://keystonepolitics.com
KnoxViews http://knoxviews.com
Las Vegas Gleaner http://lasvegasgleaner.com
Left In Alabama http://leftinalabama.com
Left in the West http://leftinthewest.com
Michigan Liberal http://michiganliberal.com
Minnesota Monitor http://minnesotamonitor.com
MOMocrats http://momocrats.typepad.com
My Left Nutmeg http://myleftnutmeg.com
MyDD http://mydd.com
New Nebraska Network http://NewNebraska.net
NewsOne.com http://newsone.com
No Rest for the Awake http://minagahet.blogspot.com
NorthDecoder.com http://northdecoder.com
Obsidian Wings http://obsidianwings.blogs.com
Ohio Daily Blog http://ohiodailyblog.com
OliverWillis.com http://oliverwillis.com
Open Left http://openleft.com
Pam's House Blend http://pamshouseblend.com
Political Base http://politicalbase.com
Political Wire http://politicalwire.com
PoliticalLunch.com http://PoliticalLunch.com
PolitickerNJ.com http://politickernj.com
PoliticsOnline http://politicsonline.com
Pop and Politics http://popandpolitics.com
Prairie State Blue http://PrairieStateBlue.com
RaceWire http://racewire.org
Raising Kaine http://raisingkaine.com
Raw Story http://rawstory.com
Rhode Island's Future http://rifuture.org
Room 8 http://r8ny.com
Rum, Romanism and Rebellion http://rumromanismrebellion.net
RuralVotes http://ruralvotes.com/...
Scholars & Rogues http://scholarsandrogues.com
Seeing the Forest http://seeingtheforest.com
Sepia Mutiny http://sepiamutiny.com
SquareState.net http://squarestate.net
Talking Points Memo http://talkingpointsmemo.com
TalkLeft http://talkleft.com
Taylor Marsh http://taylormarsh.com
The Albany Project http://thealbanyproject.com
The Center for Emerging Media http://centerforemergingmedia.com
The Iowa Independent http://iowaindependent.com
The Natchez Blog http://natchezms.blogspot.com
The Seminal http://theseminal.com
The UpTake http://theuptake.org
The Utah Amicus http://utahamicus.com
The Washington Independent http://washingtonindependent.com
Think Youth http://thinkyouth.org
Thought Theater http://thoughttheater.com
TommyWonk http://tommywonk.blogspot.com/
Tondee's Tavern http://tondeestavern.com
Towleroad http://towleroad.com
Turn Maine Blue http://turnmaineblue.com
Under The Dome.com http://underthedome.com
Uppity Wisconsin http://uppitywis.org
USAmerica Vota '08 http://usamericavota08.blogspot.com
VivirLatino.com http://vivirlatino.com
West Virginia Blue http://wvablue.com
What About Our Daughters? Blog http://whataboutourdaughters.com
Working Life http://workinglife.org
Zennie's Zeitgeist http://zennie2005.blogspot.com