H/T Jack and Jill politics who point out some of the polorizing efforts:
- Clinton supporter Andrew Young says Bill Clinton is "blacker than Barack" because "he's probably gone with more black women then Barack".
- Clinton campaign official Bill Shaheen suggests Obama may have been a drug dealer.
- BET Founder Bob Johnson talks about "what Obama was doing in the neighborhood"
- The Clinton campaign claims Obama was a "part-time Senator".
- Clinton supporter Andrew Cuomo uses "Shuck and Jive" in reference to Obama.

Photo Source: A/P
Now a poll released Thursday evening showed Obama is still leading Clinton 38 percent to 30 percent, but his support among whites had dropped by half in just a week. Obama is supported by only 10 percent of likely white voters now, and the rest of his white support appears to have shifted to John Edwards, according to the McClatchy-MSNBC poll.
Now that the damage has been done, The desperate Team Clinton machine, wants to stop the bitterness even though they started the color aroused mudslinging. Bill and Hillary Clinton knew full well that White voters would desert Obama when they started their color aroused bullshit. Yes, color arousal or racism as it is commonly known, is real in South Carolina and the Clinton's played on it like a red necks at a Arkansas cock fight. Team Clinton have proven they don't fight fair. The question is whether Obama is going to be another Micheal Dukakis or John Kerry, and be a loser, or will he Fight both Clintons and show them what he is made of? It truly is your balls on the line Obama, don't let Team Clinton emasculate you. We all know Obama's walking a tricky racial line, due to Team Clinton who has Bill polarized voters across America. Everyone is watching Barack Obama, from small cities, town, and communities across America. People are ready for him to do what is right. turn the focus back on the issues. Barack cannot continue to let Democrats or Republicans steal his message, and for the sake of our children - he should fight back against Monica Lewinsky's lover and the woman that supported Bush's war and other Republican things.