This particular NAACP keeps me up to date on local :-) regional :-) and national : -( NAACP activities. Kevin Myles serves as the President of the Wichita Branch NAACP and the Political Affairs Chairman for the Kansas State Conference of the NAACP. He is also a former member of the National Board of Directors for American Mensa, a former Mensa Regional Chairman, and was a four-term President of the Wichita Chapter of Mensa. This brotha is great.
He recently posted on how Senator Ted Kennedy has introduced "The Civil Rights Act of 2008": Further action still needed to address Racial Discrimination and Summary Judgements
Check out his post below:
Senator Ted Kennedy has introduced "The Civil Rights Act of 2008"
by Kevin Myles, President of the Wichita Branch NAACP
Senators Kennedy and a host of co-sponsors introduced a bill being called the Civil Rights act of 2008

Ensure that Federal Funds are not Used to Subsidize Discrimination
It allows individuals to seek relief when federal funds subsidize practices that have an unjustified discriminatory effect. Federal laws prohibit discrimination by recipients of federal funds based on race, national origin, disability, age, or gender. In 2001, however, the Supreme Court held that individuals may no longer challenge federally-funded programs that have an unjustified discriminatory effect, unless they also can meet the heavy burden of proving discriminatory intent. Thus, currently, only the federal government can bring such suits. This bill restores the individual right to challenge practices that have an unjustified discriminatory effect based on race, color, national origin, disability, age or gender. More HERE