It's Obamarama time! It was a big day for endorsements with Obama racking up big endorsements on Friday, with MoveOn.org, The LA Times, George Clooney, and the 650000-member California chapter of the Service Employees endorsing Obama. Now get this; who said the black family is not split on Obama vs Clinton? Reports are Charles Rangel's wife backs Obama while he supports Billary Clinton.
There are also reports of Seismic shakes from California as Obama closes in on Clinton watch out the California Democratic races tightening and Obama is looking at the Latino vote to win the big prize.
Let us not forget Latino bloggers. Jack and Jill Politics reports Liza Sabater, blogger extraordinaire at Culture Kitchen (among other places) has come out for Obama. Liza describes herself as "black Puerto Rican" and dropped a Spanish (Una carta abierta para Barack Obama) and English version. Read more HERE. And let's not forget about Latina for Obama.
There is other good news for Obama, He is strong in Alabama and Ohio. In fact, Obama is gaining support from Dr. King's personal lawyer and speechwriter, gay support, and Asian support as well. Look out folks Obama is closing in on California! With 70% of MoveOn’s 3.2 million members voting to endorse Obama and The Color ofChange poll results putting Obama on top. , One thing is for sure; It will probably get ugly for Obama over the next few months. There are those who are still concerned about the implicit (unconscious) race bias and the 2008 Presidential. - I guess there will always be Oreos And House Negroes.
Watch out for the haters of Obama. Groups like NOW are hating on Kennedy for the Obama Endorsement. There are even black bloggers are providing list of 15 Black Politicians More Talented Than Barack Obama - HATERS!
News is even Bill Clinton tried to stop Kennedy's Obama Endorsement. Hater! Soon he will be asking is Barack Obama Black? I wonder if we will ever transcend race or color arousal disorder in America? Obviously Andy Young still has self hatred issues, when he says Barack Obama: You Need To Act "More Black" We should all look out for super negro Dr. Shelby Steele , negros and silly black Republicans.
Watch out for the racial politics, young vs. old politics, and the NOW politics.