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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Obama & the New World Order by Rev. C. Solomon

Source Hat Tip: Faith in Action

Sen. Barack Obama

Obama and the New World Order
by Rev. C. Solomon

I have been discoursing with purported members of Senator Obama’s political inner-circle. These individuals cannot see any conflict between Tavis Smiley’s outrage given that Senator Obama attended and spoke so gallantly (to defend Israel) at this Jewish conference, when on the other hand he snubbed the State of the Black Union Conference.

Many black Americans do not see a conflict between Obama’s politics as usual and his pledge to continue America’s venal and unbalanced support of Israel in deference to balancing the scales between Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah…! Some Americans have been duped into believing that Obama is simply playing possum, but once he gets elected Superman with his unfurled cape streaming in the wind is going to spring into action.

Folks, in my opinion, the reason that the USA is having so much turmoil and trouble with respect to Middle-Eastern and Near-Eastern nations, among other things, is its unfair and unbalanced support towards Israel against not only Hamas and Hezbollah but against other nations within close proximity like Syria, Iran…, and other nations that are at a greater distance!

America has pledged to destroy itself and its standing in the world right along with its 51st state, Israel. And even though American Christians have biblically inspired and romantic feelings toward the Israel of antiquity, the Israel of today was formulated, created and populated as a result of actions that took place in the UN in 1947/48. Much like it is within American leadership circles, many within Israel’s leadership ranks are nothing more than ungod-like natural born killers.

The Palestinian (Arab and Muslim Semitic people) were summarily evicted from their homelands and their homes, neighborhoods…., their homelands were turned over to the mixed European Jewish Diaspora who returned to Israel from European nations following WWII. When you hear Arabs and Muslims say that Israel does not have a right to exist, they base their opinions on the actions that were decided in the U.N. in 1947/48, having been pushed particularly by Great Britain, the USA and a few other nations. A nearly equal amount of nations abstained from the western backed insouciant injustice that took place in the United Nations in 1947/48.

The colonial powers also considered repatriating black Americans to Panama and the Jews to African Ghana at one time, and we are all aware of how the colonial powers sub-divided Canada. That Senator Obama has made it clear that he will continue politics as usual does not bode well for Israel’s neighboring countries, for Cuba, for Nicaragua, the DPRK…; and he has already confirmed my feelings that voting for him to be President of the USA would summarily result in repeating the mistakes of the past!

As some fair-minded Americans have recognized, America’s hegemonic policies around the world have been wrong in the past, and they are wrong today - even if they are supported by Christian ministers who have rejected the roadmap for peace in the M-E, e.g., Robertson, Hagee, the late Falwell, Parsley and about 300,000 other American ministers. These individuals have an agenda, and it has nothing to do with true biblical eschatology. More HERE

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